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Men are Cultivators

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by jimmyclear, Jun 10, 2021.

  1. jimmyclear

    jimmyclear Fapstronaut

    When the word "Cultivator" comes to your mind, what do you think?

    Farming? Breeding? Martial Arts? Exercise? Having power? Learning? Breathing?

    The list is long, but lets just stick to 1 word. Growing.

    We, as men, have the ability to grow. Not just our power, but our entire body. But this comes at a great cost. All of us, doing our darnest to stop PMO on and in ourselves, need a willpower or a reason to stop. We fap, think of fapping, or stop everything just to relieve yourself. Then we act. Get the wood on, fire off, and then we crumple. Some harder than others.

    We do this again, again, and again, till we find that one niche that says "You no longer matter in my life!" to Pornography. What happens then? You can't go back to it. You start living in the real world, you drop going to the internet to look at crimes that were committed at a different time and place or two people being unfaithful to each other and their family. To walk up and out from shows that are sexually disturbing to you.

    Now the problem is; Can you keep it up? Of course you can't, not without the right power to fuel you. This is where "Men are Cultivators" comes in.

    Being a peruser of goods that alchemy, nutrition, and a bit of Chinese Medicine to stop my fapping sessions from ever trying to show, a small list is what I happen to come across.

    White Powder Gold, also known as the Philosopher's Stone (I know, sounds like a myth), can be obtained on the market for cheap. The Pros of it is that your more sensitive to your surroundings, your thoughts are clearer, and you feel more alive. Con... your more sensitive with your body.

    Curcumin is effective as a dopamine enhancer, the same brain chemical we use to hunt for sex, food, and passion. This makes it so that one small exercise activity is more pleasing than fapping. But what would happen if your on Curcumin and fapped? The results would be less pleasing before you even touch.

    Now, what about Internal Qi/Chi/Chakra, what about this stuff? Meditation, breathing, and a couple rounds of running around the block can get you into shape. You need this power to help yourself out. Fapping uses your power and your current nutrition supply. 2-3 faps can drain your Zinc and Selenium reserves, main ingredients for your brain. Without Zinc, you can't think straight. Without Selenium, you can't remember anything. You need these minerals.

    Now, anything awesome you can do with Qi/Chi/Chakra? Get good enough, and you can light fires with your hand. Walk out into the snow wearing nothing but shorts and a t-shirt. Run long distances with little to no slowing down. You may think this is hogwash, but look at it. Men are Cultivators, that means we can grow.

    What about women? Their Refiners. They can't grow anything without the man, that's why they take. But that is for a post another time.
    WanderTruth and becomingreat like this.
  2. wepo

    wepo New Fapstronaut

    So true about men being cultivators, love that energy. I would like to hear more about how women cant grow anything for themselves. I feel like I've always felt that same way, but you just put it into words for me.
    Melkhiresa likes this.
  3. What do you mean by women can't grow anything? They give birth to men, wtf.
    Christoph108 likes this.
  4. wangkaiquan

    wangkaiquan Fapstronaut

    Don’t get too crazy. A woman is a mother and a man is a father. That’s it. If you are a monk, then you want to practice, don’t practice by yourself, this is very dangerous
    Christoph108 likes this.
  5. wangkaiquan

    wangkaiquan Fapstronaut

    If you want to quit porn, then quit porn. Don't be too complicated. I also learn Buddhism, but I don't discriminate against women. Never discriminate against women. In this way, like those poor Muslims in the Middle East, they control the activities of women. Are they like practitioners? Just a bunch of jokes
    Christoph108 likes this.
  6. PeaceOnEarth108

    PeaceOnEarth108 Fapstronaut

    Hi Jimmy, thanks for this. Please send us studies backing up your claims on Powder Gold, Curcumin and fapping having a negative effect on our brain due to Zn and Se loss.

    I don't share your opinion towards women. I think they are fantastic and wonderful beings and not better or worse than men. And for aure they can grow a lot on themselves.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  7. jimmyclear

    jimmyclear Fapstronaut

    When I say "They can't grow anything." means that they need men to grow anything. Without them, man is nothing but a dead end. Looking at a study of the number of people per capita that own business, "More women (27%) around the globe started their businesses “out of necessity,” compared to men (21.8%). Conversely, fewer women (68.4%) started their companies “to pursue an opportunity” than men (74%)"

    Just saying, its harder for them.
    Hachiraya likes this.
  8. jimmyclear

    jimmyclear Fapstronaut

    The White Powder Gold gives your body one extra edge it needs to function.

    Treat it as a way to give yourself more power, in all respects.

    The Curcumin stance is a way to deal with combating "Depressive" related issues.

    One way of getting dopamine in at activities that bored us before.

    The Zinc and Selenium loss was said on NoFap about 1 year ago. As well as a Dr. Wilson, Consultant.

    As for the second part, I respect your stance on the matter. But this matter needs to be approached with caution. One show, and you begin wading through that muck. Continue forward, and... well, try again.

    This is something we all need; Knowing when women become insults, and when they become compliments.
  9. PeaceOnEarth108

    PeaceOnEarth108 Fapstronaut

    This article is about gold nanopartiles as drug delivery agents
    This article is a review on gold nanoparticles in biomedicine. They write it's mainly used for drig delivery and analytics.
    This study has nothing to do with medicine, it's more physical chemistry.
    I'm questioning this study, because it's a low-impact journal (<1 IF) and it's poorly written. On Wikipedoa it says C. has a low oral bioavailability, that means eating it will not have much effect.
    So you didn't find anything scientific here because it's a myth.
  10. PeaceOnEarth108

    PeaceOnEarth108 Fapstronaut

    What? How can women be insults or compliments?
  11. becomingreat

    becomingreat Fapstronaut

    Then you haven't learnt your lessons. Go read your books twice.

    Just calm down ,son. Don't be fooled by what media feeds you.

    Always do that. Women are in a totally different world with respect to men. Go get your lessons before posting.
    jimmyclear likes this.
  12. PeaceOnEarth108

    PeaceOnEarth108 Fapstronaut

    The main idea behind buddhism is that everyone is a buddha, even women.
    Don't be fooled by the random guy talking shit on youtube.
    Being kind increases joy. Where does this hate come from?
    Mission90 likes this.
  13. jimmyclear

    jimmyclear Fapstronaut

    Seems like nothing satisfies you. Been there, dealt with people like you. Just take it as a grain of salt. Nothing world shattering, nothing to get your titties in a twist.

    Its a phycology deal. Here's a clear cut example of "Insult" for a woman: #bossgirl. This "Person" will always downplay you, treat you like trash, think that their superior, act as if you've never mattered. Treat you as their personal ATM with a dildo. How in the 9 rings of Hell are you married or dating this person? Their like a personification of Rot, with the firm belief of entitlement.

    What about "Compliment"? They've learned and practice Interdependence. They know motivation and they show it. They not only have body of an athlete, but they have the emotional level of a Saint. They learn, they grow, and know what to talk about, and how to talk about it. They don't let emotion get the best of them, they see what needs to be done. They have a dream for themselves. But in some areas, they know they can't do it by themselves. They know when their weak, and ask for a bit more strength. Know when their stupid, and they ask for a little bit of advice. They face Darkness with a firm stance, and always try new things.

    So, still think that there's no such thing as women who are Insults and women who are Compliments?

    Because Porn, we see women who are Insults.
  14. PeaceOnEarth108

    PeaceOnEarth108 Fapstronaut

    ok, so you are saying some women are bad and some are good (but still weaker than men). Then wouldn't it make sense if some men are also good and some are bad?

    Is it really that simple? Can we be either bad or good? Or are we something in between? Or is our brain ambivalent and wants and can change?

    Maybe there is an "Insult woman" who treats others badly but only because she doesn't know yet that she could also be kind. And that all her problems would vanish if she just managed to let go. Should we stay away from her and demonize her or should we teach her -or if she doesn't want to listen - at least be a good example to her?
  15. jimmyclear

    jimmyclear Fapstronaut

    Okay, first of all, did I say they are "weaker"? In the most direct sense, did I say "Weaker than men"?

    All I said was "They know when their weak." Just to be clear, what I'm saying is "Knowing when a woman is a Compliment, and when their an Insult."

    Men are Cultivators. That means they can grow up to be what they choose to be. Women are Refiners, they gather around and find out what needs to be done to be what they need or want to be.

    This isn't a matter of "Demonetizing", this is a matter of "Knowing when to stand back". Learning from Rich Cooper, don't chase the woman. If you do, you're bound to lose her because she'll get bored of you. If you strive for Excellence, their more likely to stick around.

    To get rid of the moral "Can we be either bad or good?" deal, its choices. You're not automatically bad or good. A bear chasing you would be bad for you, but good for the bear. The bear's hungry, and you don't want to be a meal. Same with relationships, whose the predator, and whose the prey. Clear cut of a bad relationship, because it was a choice. But a good relationship, one where the man strives for Excellence, and has a friend or a close friend whose a Compliment, the man strives better and longer. This is where a woman is a Refiner.

    "Maybe there is an "Insult woman" who treats others badly but only because she doesn't know yet that she could also be kind", not to toot the same horn, but have you met that woman? Is she fat? Does she have a good head on her shoulders? What's her family relationships like? What are her dreams? Can she make money? Does she sell her body? Does she treat her body like a canvas? Can she learn new skills? Can she make certain skills better? Is she disabled? Can she help herself? How does she treat others? Is she locked in the Digital World when she's in front of you? Is she an addict of any sort? Is she loose with money? Loose with men? Loose with looks?

    You need to ask all these questions before you even assume she's even capable of a gram of benevolence. There are men here that thought being a masochist would be a thrill, but they found out, no, it's not a thrill. It's a Hell. There's nothing exciting about it, and they lived with it for a good time before they decided to come here and ask for help.

    "And that all her problems would vanish if she just managed to let go." and "Should we stay away from her and demonize her or should we teach her -or if she doesn't want to listen - at least be a good example to her?" Dude, don't be a "Save-a-hoe" hero. Try understanding Hypergamy before you take a step in that direction.
  16. wangkaiquan

    wangkaiquan Fapstronaut

    So you mean that Afghan men can abuse their wives at will, you are no different from stupid Muslims
  17. wangkaiquan

    wangkaiquan Fapstronaut

    You don’t understand what “cultivation” is. A woman can practice and become a Buddha, and even an ant can become a Buddha. Every most humble creature is a Buddha. You just laugh arrogantly, hide in front of the screen of your phone, and type a few words. OK, no use
  18. wangkaiquan

    wangkaiquan Fapstronaut

    You say Hinduism is good, right? The epidemic is not under control, there are still poor people, and dirty streets. A large number of rape cases (may be right for you). The power of Indian men failed? Or is it the woman's fault? Haha, you are such a big joke. On the contrary, it is in Japan where AV is prevalent, a civilized developed country, clean food and streets, and the lowest crime rate. There is no so-called Hinduism in Japan, only Chakra in the comics. Haha, use your brain.
  19. wangkaiquan

    wangkaiquan Fapstronaut

    Okay, I see, sorry, you are a poor man without a girlfriend
  20. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    you are litteraly the only person that has mentioned Hinduism in this thread.
    becomingreat likes this.

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