Recent content by Abetterbrain

  1. Abetterbrain

    PII (Porn induced insomnia)

    Yeah most people report this. I have only found a couple of other people online that report the same as me.
  2. Abetterbrain

    PII (Porn induced insomnia)

    That’s exactly why I’m here you moron. Please don’t comment on here again as your not helpful. You’re just posting overly verbose comments to look intelligent when actually you just come off as a twat.
  3. Abetterbrain

    PII (Porn induced insomnia)

    That’s great, mate. Better than I’ve ever done.
  4. Abetterbrain

    PII (Porn induced insomnia)

    Again, Again, you don’t know me and are presuming my bedtime routine. Suggesting I ingest caffeine and sit in front of a lit screen hours before bed is all conjecture. I actually have fantastic sleep hygiene. I read, cut out stimulants and meditate. That’s why I’m so concerned that regardless...
  5. Abetterbrain

    PII (Porn induced insomnia)

    What worked for you? Are you able to abstain?
  6. Abetterbrain

    PII (Porn induced insomnia)

    I hear you, brother.
  7. Abetterbrain

    PII (Porn induced insomnia)

    With all due respect. There is no doubt in my mind that’s it’s PMO causing it. I sleep fine all other times but PMO leaves me wired and awake.
  8. Abetterbrain

    PII (Porn induced insomnia)

    Hi guys, Been a long time since I’ve posted. I’m still struggling with cutting out PMO for a number of different reasons that I won’t get into. What I did want to speak about is insomnia. More specifically, porn induced insomnia. Basically I only get to PMO when SO is in bed and I find it so...
  9. Abetterbrain

    Edging - Once and for all

    Done it :cool:
  10. Abetterbrain

    Edging - Once and for all

    You’re not my dad.
  11. Abetterbrain

    Edging - Once and for all

    Yes I know. But it doesn’t stop my brain from convincing me that once I start I can stop and it’ll be ok.
  12. Abetterbrain

    Relapsing when Im HAPPY??

    I am guilty of this and it is so annoying. I think when you’re feeling shit you equate it to PMO but when you’re higher you subconsciously rewards your good day with PMO.
  13. Abetterbrain

    Edging - Once and for all

    I struggle with edging. I edge as I don’t want to break my streak. Once I start I need to realise that I might as well finish. I find I feel so much worse by not releasing.
  14. Abetterbrain

    How to interpret this "relapse"? *possible trigger warning*

    This is ridiculous. A very unhealthy attitude I’m sure. You’re wiring your brain to not like women? Good luck with that.
  15. Abetterbrain

    Redhead Women

    Why? What’s that going to achieve?