Recent content by Choice_

  1. Choice_

    Your mind and body become weak because of excessive PMO So avoid it

    Your mind and body become weak because of excessive PMO So avoid it
  2. Choice_


  3. Choice_

    Wet dream is normal don't be sad my brother

    Wet dream is normal don't be sad my brother
  4. Choice_

    Sorry bro i have never been in relationship so I can't help you

    Sorry bro i have never been in relationship so I can't help you
  5. Choice_

    It's none

    It's none
  6. Choice_

    Keep going soldier

    Keep going soldier
  7. Choice_

    Everyone future picture if they didn't get rid of it. Lol.

    Everyone future picture if they didn't get rid of it. Lol.
  8. Choice_

    Yes you will lose interest

    Yes you will lose interest
  9. Choice_

    No I am just kidding

    No I am just kidding
  10. Choice_

    It's hard for me but i am going to follow this routine

    It's hard for me but i am going to follow this routine
  11. Choice_

    Let's do this guys DDD

    Let's do this guys DDD
  12. Choice_

    Watch Netflix series The Social Dilemma If you want to use social media for any reason use...

    Watch Netflix series The Social Dilemma If you want to use social media for any reason use search button instead of scrolling.
  13. Choice_

    Any suggestions to release my stress?

    Any suggestions to release my stress?
  14. Choice_

    Welcome bro, you can do it

    Welcome bro, you can do it
  15. Choice_

    Masha-Allah, keep trying to defeat your urge and know your enemy one day you will win

    Masha-Allah, keep trying to defeat your urge and know your enemy one day you will win