How long did it take to get these benefits? I only have experienced a few on my longer streaks, like confidence and my face starting to clear up from acne plus the energy and focus. But I am also curious about the eyesight and learning thing.
[small update]
I almost relapsed. I opened a pornsite and started masturbating, after a minute I realised what I was doing and instantly stopped. I took a ice cold shower and it felt like a big win for me to stop during the act.
Day 9/14
Good confidence and decent energy. I also feel more resistant to the coldness from my cold showers, think I will increase the coldness a little bit.
Day 6/7
A lot of motivation to do my best in school, also got energy for days, it was unreal. I had a lot of confidence in social situations and also had a great workout!
My goals for December 31 2019:
- 53 days of NoFap
- Follow my gym program and pay attention to diet. (I want to see a difference from my first transformation photo I took 2 weeks ago)
- Finished reading 48 laws of power and everything is f*cked
- Want to speak a bit of Portugese (started...