Last Activity:
Aug 7, 2018
Apr 17, 2017
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Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


Fapstronaut, Male, 29

Can't sleep tonight. It's 2:43AM and nothing. Have to be at work at 7:45. Bleh. Not gonna fap though even though it's tempting May 19, 2017

Cole9410 was last seen:
Aug 7, 2018
    1. Cole9410
      Through the encouragement of others, we too are encouraged :) We're all brothers and sister in this fight
    2. Cole9410
      Hey can someone please explain what Hard Mode is on here? I'm abstaining from PMO is that what it is? Like all three?
      1. Yodha likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Cole9410
        Sorry for the long response I just figure that I'm more likely to succeed if I tell someone my goals. To help keep me accountable ya know?
        Apr 18, 2017
        Atlanticus and Elucelom like this.
      4. Atlanticus
        Totally, guy! The more public, the more accountable. Congratulations on a sound strategy -- 1st hard mode (for however long it takes), then sex without PMO!

        I'm still working on mine. For now, I abstain from sex too (with difficulty), bcoz it was sometimes also sick. I am still debating whether/when to let it back in, in a wholesome and controlled way, with NoFap parallel. You (plural) will be the 1st 2 kno.
        Apr 19, 2017
        vxlccm, Cole9410 and (deleted member) like this.
      5. Cole9410
        Sounds like a good plan bro! Just take it one step at a time and figure it out as you learn more about yourself and your dependence on PMO.
        Apr 19, 2017
    3. Cole9410
      Wrapping up the day soon. Had a few urges earlier but nothing too serious. Nothing to worry about :) How's everybody doing with their urges?
      1. mreffinsunshine
        Great job! The urges can be tough, but you breathe through, and let them pass.
        Apr 17, 2017
        bunnyheartbeat and Cole9410 like this.
      2. Atlanticus
        I like your spirit, guy! It's fresh!
        Apr 18, 2017
        vxlccm and Cole9410 like this.
      3. Cole9410
        Thanks Atlanticus! I just know how important this change is to my future and my happiness so I'm taking it super serious. But also I already really love this community and want to listen to and help people who are on the same journey as myself :)
        Apr 18, 2017
    4. Cole9410
      Been a pretty awesome day 2 :) Just felt better overall and had a much more positive outlook. Fuck porn!
    5. Cole9410
      Sleepless night so far. Usually PMO would help with this but whatevs. No urges whatsoever just a little too wide eyed :) g'night!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Cole9410
        And dude I might check out TMSPDD too since you brought it up. Have you started it yet? If so, waddya think so far?
        Apr 18, 2017
        Ali Prins likes this.
      3. Ali Prins
        Ali Prins
        No I have not bought it yet thou, but I will ask the library to buy the book, it might take over three weeks! You could start on it since and tell me how it is : D, it will take so long till I get the book delivered XD
        Apr 19, 2017
        vxlccm and Cole9410 like this.
      4. Cole9410
        Yeah dude that nonsense takes too long ha. But i guess that's the price of it being free. I'll look for it when I get the chance!
        Apr 19, 2017
        Ali Prins likes this.
    6. Cole9410
      Laying in bed on here and I have NO urge to partake in PMO. I'll just surf nofap posts instead of looking at youtube, fb or porn :)
      1. Covert
        Right decision taken.
        Apr 17, 2017
        Burner1 and Cole9410 like this.
      2. Cole9410
        Thanks Covert I agree!
        Apr 17, 2017
        Burner1 likes this.
    7. Cole9410
      Seeing all of these updates is really inspiring. Didn't realize there was such a large community of us seeking help. Keep it up you guys!
      1. Atlanticus, Burner1, laris and 2 others like this.
      2. icandoallthings
        There's an even larger group searching for this but haven't found it and an even group that has yet to realize they have a problem. Early adopters :D
        Apr 17, 2017
        Cole9410 likes this.
    8. Cole9410
      One day no PMO. Been here before. Usually slip up around day 10 or beyond. I'm determined this time. I mean I'm on this site aren't I?
      1. Ali Prins, Burner1 and laris like this.
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
    Hey everybody my name's Cole and I've been more or less addicted to porn since I was around 14. I am 21 now. I realize that I have a really weak will to stop but I really want to and I think I'm ready to. I've decided to stop distancing myself from the word "addiction" and have decided instead to retake control of this aspect of my life that has intern taken control of the rest of my life. I've tried to stop before and after a few days the urges leaves me but I get lazy and think "I've been good. Just this once". I'm holding myself accountable starting now. I have one day under my belt so far. I'm doing this for me.


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