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    I wish you could elaborate on this more. Like... what your day, week looked like before the symptoms disappeared. Esp the day before, were you fasted by any chance?
    Question: "You mentioned that it took you 18 months of 'hardmode' for these symptoms start to disappear. I wonder do they disappeared suddenly or it was gradually process?"

    You: "It disappeared suddenly."

    You: "Yes. There was a great difference. The previous day, I was 100% shitty then I woke up 99% healed. Over the next week, I was 100% okay."
    first of all I'm very happy for your recovery and your post about paws had gave me alot of hope , i have been Suffering from all the symptoms that you have mentioned in your post, and i know i may take 2 years to recover , and i wanted to ask you in which month exactly you felt that you can study and remember things better? ,
    And thanks alot for making this world a better place .
    Hey, DarkSektur! I'm glad you're fully recovered. I'm suffering PAWS at 20 years old, and I'd like to ask:
    1. Did you only abstain from PMO, or did you do anything else that might have helped in your recovery (fasting, diet, etc.)?
    2. How did you cope with urges while having the cognitive impairment?
    Thank you! :)
    I've got some question in knowing how you recover from all this
    -how long did it take you to recover (somewhat not thinking of it)
    -are you in school and if so how is your brain functioning and retaining all the materials
    -what are some step you took to get where you are now.
    thanks in advance!
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    - It took me eighteen months after quitting pmo to fully recover. I suffered paws from November 2013 till May 2015.
    - My brain is okay and perfect. I have no problems anymore.
    - I basically gave it time.
    Hows it going, I'm going through this phase also and feeling self worth in this universe and much more and I also feel like it stunted my education and grow as a whole dramatically as I am much older at 31 with only a technical degree and planning to further my education but scared to do so with lack of focus and all the symptoms anxiety, depression, brain fog the whole nine.
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    My life is going fine. I fully and perfectly recovered May 2015.
    "I nearly committed suicide because of PAWS. I feel happy as I was before pmo and I am mental and emotional present in all situations rather than numb and detached. In short, I am mentally and physically normal even though I still regret how it ruined my life and stunted my education."
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