Recent content by david-ca

  1. david-ca

    Counting down the days to my TWO YEARS PMO FREE

    Thanks, great video. Keep writing about those days if you want. It also reminds us how low it is possible to go if we don't confront it face to face and defeat it. I have read your previous posts here and there too, they move me everytime because people don't usually talk this honest about...
  2. david-ca

    Nofap....Too much energy...How to curb the feelings

    Part of that energy could go into studying (if you are a student) or into work ( if you work) and exercising but ultimately, sexual energy is very powerful so i don't think one can channel all of it into some other activity but a lot of it can be. you just have to control the remaining part of...
  3. david-ca

    the pushup technique

    It is definitely good to build muscles (like abs and six packs) and resistance training like HappyDaysAreHereAgain said but i tried this method for a while but it didn't work for ME, but it might work for you. actually it kind of did the opposite of helping because i felt like when i do push ups...
  4. david-ca


    Go to this link then sign in to one of your google accounts.then enter how many days since last pmo.then you can enter advanced features and customize it more.then you copy the link that is written in the box and you copy it in your signature
  5. david-ca

    Balls back to normal?

    It's complicated than that. Your reward system related to the hormone "Dopamine" will get to normal after at most 14 days. Depending on how severe one's addiction has been, it takes from a week to a few weeks for the body to get back to normal. Our testosterone level will get high soon so that's...
  6. david-ca

    day 7-12,my toughest days,this time am making it

    It's tough in the 7th day,try to spend as much energy as you can on various things.physically jog and exercise.mentally keep yourself busy,don't go web-surfing.I don't know how old you are or what you do but i'd suggest studying if you are a student and if you are not, read a book(preferably not...
  7. david-ca

    I Love sex

    Let me be clear that i have not had sex before but i know a few things Sex addiction actually exists and it's different than pmo addictions.if it's with different partners and really excessive that's really an addiction but if it's with one partner that you have over a few months at least, it's...
  8. david-ca

    Internal vibrations through body.. could porn be the problem?

    yeah i seldom have it but it's not that.that's different
  9. david-ca

    Internal vibrations through body.. could porn be the problem?

    I have never seen or heard or read that it's a symptom of pmo.I have read and experienced shaking in hands and in legs a little bit due to excessive pmo but not internally,like when elderly people shake(not to that extent though) If it's been a while since it has started you might want to visit...
  10. david-ca

    Emergency Toolbox that helped me during my first 320 days of reboot

    It was great man It really looks like it can help one if he/she is really willing to stop I'm gonna try the list
  11. david-ca

    Are circumcised men less likely to masturbate?

    First,circumcision doesn't affect sexual drive or how one performs during intercourse. Here are some of the benefits: In uncircumcised men,moisture can get trapped between his penis and the foreskin, which creates an ideal environment for bacteria to grow. This means there’s a higher risk of...
  12. david-ca

    Are circumcised men less likely to masturbate?

    I don't think an actual research has been done but there are people from both groups that pmo so it doesn't actually prevent it but maybe it could reduce the frequency,who knows? but even if you are not christian or religious at all,I suggest you do get circumcised.
  13. david-ca

    PMO Brain Fogginess

    Luckily for you(;)!) i have read a lot about brain fog because i struggle a lot with it and let me tell you what i know First it is caused because our dopamine receptors are exhausted and when dopamine is discharged(not sure if i used the right word) in the brain,our dopamine receptors are so...
  14. david-ca

    Regular Exercise Routine

    It helps a lot i started last week.I jog for 30 mins and when i get home i feel great.aerobic exercise helps a lot more than lifting weights and strength exercise.
  15. david-ca

    its wrong to feel kinda of jelly reading some of these success stories but its happening.

    It's highly unlikely to be related to masturbation and porn abstinence.after 3 months it's not a withdrawal symptom or anything like that.It could be related to your lifestyle.since you don't want a speech i'll just say that a bad lifestyle can be the cause.