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Recent content by eadgbe

  1. eadgbe

    Share your bullying story.....if you have any

    Yeah I've had a bunch actually. There was this one kid who sometimes pretended to be my friend, mostly when we were alone and gave me a lot of crap when he was in front of others. He would always brag about how rich his family was and how he always had the newest PSone games while I had my...
  2. eadgbe

    What could be causing my low sex drive

    That's why it's called rebooting. You have to shut yourself down for a bit before you fire up the new configuration.
  3. eadgbe

    Is being attracted to teenage girls a result of PMO or is it human nature??

    It's natural. You're attracted to signs of fertility, something most teenage girls display. The legality of such an attraction and acting on it, however, is a different thing entirely. An even more complicating factor is the fact that most teenage girls have instagram models as their role models...
  4. eadgbe

    Drag Queen Family Time

    This is exactly what I meant by my rant about tolerance earlier in the thread. The left/liberals/whatever they are have this "you're either 100% with me or you're a bigot" mentality which is reminiscent of totalitarian regimes. They just see themselves as morally and ideologically infallible to...
  5. eadgbe

    Drag Queen Family Time

    I'm personally not against drag queens but you have to understand that drag queens are a type of adult entertainment. It's literally the same as having a stripper in full stripper gear having a book reading for kids. Now, like I said, I don't have anything against drag queens but, let's face it...
  6. eadgbe

    Drag Queen Family Time

    *insert literally anything here* are just people, not some kind of weird, uneducated alien creature or something. There are a lot of people who are just people and not weird uneducated alien creatures, yet there is a reason why we don't hire janitors as doctors, clowns as firefighters o̶r̶...
  7. eadgbe

    The latest trend that leftists are super butthurt about.

    I've been calling retards NPCs since vanilla WoW lol
  8. eadgbe

    Drag Queen Family Time

    Forced tolerance is the post-modern fascism.
  9. eadgbe

    Drag Queen Family Time

    What kind of education/entertainment could a drag queen possible offer children? This is just an attempt in indoctrinating children. I'm no right-wing nut but seriously, the left can be as sick as (if not worse than) the right sometimes.
  10. eadgbe


    Having sex is literally the reason I'm on nofap so, no, it's a success in my books.
  11. eadgbe

    How to block porn on android?

    Like Windows, Android too has a "hosts" file which can be edited to block certain sites. However, you do need to root your phone to gain access to that file, which can be tricky, depending on your phone model. Look it up.
  12. eadgbe

    Daily Intention Thread : "Today, I am... + POSITIVE AFFIRMATION"

    Because it will only make me even more miserable and draw me into a vicious cycle of self-loathing and shame.
  13. eadgbe


    Joining in. Need something to keep me accountable, I can't even last more than a few days -,-
  14. eadgbe

    Trouble sleeping on back

    I have horrible nightmares when I sleep on my back so I just avoid that position at all costs.
  15. eadgbe

    Did porn make me gay?

    Depending on the severity of your case, but almost always true nonetheless, pornographic preference is not an accurate indicator of one's sexuality.