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  • Been a long time since we've heard from you. I know there was a planned absence. Just checking in to see how you're doing and let you know I'm thinking of you.
    Ran out of likes today for your posts. And, it's been a while, so I'm saying Hi.

    Your post on not finding time to "work on self acceptance" hit me. That's something I really identify with. Let's find time and make efforts :-))
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    Thanks for checking in man!
    My work on self acceptance isn't actually work on MY self acceptance, more that i making a bundle of notes on all the ways i know for anyone to start working on it. Its from stuff i am actively practising.
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    <thanks>Your chiming in on Mr. @P-P! is appreciated cuz I've been worried about that friend.</thanks> p.s. love your "lecture over" thing - haha
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