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  • S
    Congratulations on your most recent promotion, Comrade. The Heirs are behind you in this fight and continue to look out for our own. We are glad to serve alongside you. January will be a special month, keep it up.
    Welcome to Heirs of the Sun, Soldier. We take care of our own around here. Don’t be shy, the Souls want to see you on the member wall, our barracks. Read the Heirs Oath. We are together in this.
    Porn hasn't been a problem for me, just Masturbation/Orgasm. But now getting back that attitude of those things being useless. Good sign!
    It's frustrating to keep failing over and over again after being successful in previous months. Lost a lot of interest in what I love.
    In a slump, getting away from what was enabling success with this lifestyle. Got to get back to that path, dark place right now.
    Once you figure out the ways you are able to live the NoFap lifestyle. You just have to do it consistently. Consistency equals success.
    There comes a point where you must put your foot down and say enough is enough! No more failures!
    Update your status every day man. Tracking your progress is easier when it is restricted to tweet-length.
    That's a good idea man, I plan on writing down my progress through a journal now as well. Make some notes and what not, I just haven't been able to get back on track and get to those 23 days I had not too long ago. It's frustrating but I'm the one responsible and I need to make some more adjustments.
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