Fro 29
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    Hola Francisco, Soy Colombiano, te entiendo, tu sabes el internet, gracias por hablarme, ojalá que salgamos de esto. que haces en Mexico? oye trato de no masturbarme pero cuando no lo hago me siento inquieto.
    Fro 29
    Fro 29
    También me siento así , con mucha ansiedad , pues soy consejero y trato de ayudar a otras personas , pero también estoy saliendo de esto yo creo que ayudándonos entre todos es más fácil avanzar .
    Y tú a qué te dedicas , desde cuándo tienes batallando con la masturbación cómo fue todo que comenzó ?
    Hi Froy. I am new here. I just set a goal of a week today. I need support too and hope I can be a team member and support. I know these matters are private and embarrassing, but we can overcome it if we are honest.
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    Reactions: Fro 29
    Fro 29
    Fro 29
    yes is more appropriate , but thank you for answer me appreciate it , yeah bro you´re right about to be honest one each other , for sure we can overcome this , we keep in touch God bless you bro , greetings
    hello my name is froy and this my 10 days NoFap is so difficult for me , i need encouragment from you guys , and of course i need a partner to be accounteble cause it is difficult to fighting alone . for me it is very important to be working like team , i know that i need to change my old habits and i think that is the key to being a winner in this area , causes i have been figthing with P and M since i was 14 years old therefore is not easy for me do it alone , and is difficult to find people to discuss theses private matters , and this page web is a great opportunity for to share my struggles with you guys.
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