Recent content by I_Want_My_Life_Back

  1. I

    I am fine, thanks for asking buddy. No, I was just upset with myself for not making it to 3...

    I am fine, thanks for asking buddy. No, I was just upset with myself for not making it to 3 days. I've made a 3 day streak running now, though, so I'm back. I usually come online at night, so that should give you a pretty good idea which time zone I'm in. I'm gonna be a prick and not give out...
  2. I

    Hacking the Science of Habits - Advice Please!

    Yeah, you make a lot of excellent points - I'll take your advice on looking far enough ahead while planning habits, thanks very much for the detailed response. Has subconscious conditioning worked for you in the past? I tried multiple times to let something play in the background as I dozed off...
  3. I

    Why do I only get turned on by physical stuff and not porn or pictures?

    Yeah, quite amusingly you're in a great place to be honest :) If only I could ignore my computer and have to resort to talk to real girls to feel good - Oh, man, what wouldn't I give to have that! That would be an awesome motivation to improving my social life, and I think you've hit gold here...
  4. I

    Why do I only get turned on by physical stuff and not porn or pictures?

    Seems like a boon in disguise, to be honest, if you don't get turned on by stuff that's freely available on any device 24/7. If the only thing that you can get hard to is real girls, you won't waste your time in the virtual world, seems like a pretty good win-win.
  5. I

    Hacking the Science of Habits - Advice Please!

    So I was reading this book the other day on Habits, and one sentence that made an impression as soon as I read it was : "You cannot extinguish a bad habit; you can only change it" In other words, the author's point was that there's a cue-routine-reward factor for every habit we ever pick up...
  6. I

    Day 27, but a lifetime

    Great to hear, it is inspiring - and happy to find a fellow Chess player here. Always up for a game sometime :)
  7. I

    PMO-Free Commitment thread for December 2019! (aka DDD Don't Diddle December)

    First post ever. As my name might indicate, I want to make my life my own again - as it was when I was 15. I've been trying so hard for over two months to quit now, and I think I know why I'm failing. I can't do this alone. So I decided that every night I'm going to come here and take pride in...