Recent content by IWillWin03

  1. I

    20 Days... When do the Relapse Dreams and Fetishes Fade?

    When did your dreams of Relapsing fade and when did your fetishes fade? I have constant dreams when I sleep about relapsing..
  2. I

    Urinary Improvements

    Anybody seen any improvements in their urination or bowel movements since quitting porn and excessive MO.
  3. I

    Hey all... This is my accountability

    Alright fellas, I've messed up enough... Binge relapsed for the last time and this is it... I will give you 15-30-90 day updates... Hope to hear back from me around then!
  4. I

    Beware of Kegal exercises lol

    yeah and it caused a permanently tight pelvic floor for me that hasnt gone away....
  5. I

    Beware of Kegal exercises lol

    How long before the strain went away?
  6. I

    Hey man, have you seen any success with the pelvic floor stuff?

    Hey man, have you seen any success with the pelvic floor stuff?
  7. I

    Beware of Kegal exercises lol

    still having issues with the strain?
  8. I

    A hero´s journey

    any success with the pelvic floor stretches?
  9. I

    Physical Issues

    I think we are ignoring alot of the physical problems that overmasturbation causes... For example, I now have an over tense pelvic floor from compensating for PIED while watching porn and clenching my pelvic floor constantly to maintain an erection... My symptoms are urine dribbling...
  10. I

    Went to Urologist...

    How's all the prostate symptoms going big man? Decent? I'm in the same boat.
  11. I

    Other Benefits?

    Especially the easier time urinating part. Has to do with pelvic floor health?
  12. I

    Other Benefits?

    Has anybody noticed better qualitys such as no more dribbling urine or better bowel movements?
  13. I

    Get outside, play some hockey, basketball, lift some weights... Anything to keep yourself away...

    Get outside, play some hockey, basketball, lift some weights... Anything to keep yourself away from that position of relapse. LETS GET THIS
  14. I

    Hard Flaccid Shrinkage (Useful Info) TRIGGERS!!

    Yo man! How is everything coming with the HF