Hi mr. Clean hope you are doing great? Glad to have you here. With the Lord, everything is possible..... isn't it?
All is well, Roady. Thanks for checking on me. True ... everything is possible with God. Good reason to set new and higher goals.
We made it brother! 60 days!! This is the start as greater things to come. Let's take it to 90 into the new year.
Hello my friend, you hit 60 days pm free ! :-)) So good to see you there buddy ! :-)) Keep going now ok ? Beautiful streak !:-)) Have a great day !
Thank you for acknowledging my 60 days, Beamer. No intention of stopping or falling. Now focused on 100 days!
Congrats on the big 60, friend! Glad you've been here! You as a motivator has been a huge asset to NoFap :)
Thank you, sir! I was so focused on 50 days, it didn't even occur to me that it's right up close to two months. The next milestone to look forward to!
Very pleased you've been finding such great success. I hope you feel it is sustainable. The changes like avoiding TV must be difficult to implement. Thanks for spending time in this community!
TV ... not much different than porn, VX. (But remember I've "quit" porn and TV several times in the past for extended periods of time before relapsing.) It's been remarkable though to notice how the brain fully obsesses and fixates on "getting some TV" when stressed or directionless. Exactly like porn temptations.
What has sure helped, though, is packaging up the TV in the original box and putting it well out of reach in the house. It would take an hour at least to get it all set up again. Great for avoiding hot-spot temptation moments.
Wow man, you're doing great !! I wish you all the very best on your journey!! TV & P thats 2 time suckers that you've kicked out of your life!! Keep inspiring brother!!
John 7:38 is a prophecy that includes you. You're flowing out living water for all of us. God bless -- Hope your personal struggles are less challenging with the good vibes you get here!
You really do have an amazing way about your posts, sir. Love the happiness and centeredness. Thank you for time and for your wisdom.
There is an auto-help most of the time on this site. So, if you wanted to "tag" me, you do at-sign @vxl and after that third character, an autofill box pops up with options :)
It works in the forum/thread posts even better. Where it isn't automatic is in group convos or pms. Go get 'em, tiger :)
There is actually a way in these profile posts to tag someone and make their name look different like for @RoadLION Roady will get tagged but that's a hack ;P
Responding to everyone via journal in detail isn't always on the menu of possibilities. Next step: hit up their profile status. You'll have fun and lots more people will get to know you better :)
Just say some posts where you were generally being uplifting about depression. It is a very real struggle sometimes. Once again, thanks for being here and especially helping be a watchman for our brothers.