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  • The threat of Russian fascism and my mental state is what keeps me awake at night lately.
    I hope you feel better one day, I used to feel how you do. If I was able to get myself out of those bad days you can to. Good luck bro.
    continues............ : we as people can always work on changing our own behaviour. I am still inbetween . I ran up a phone sex bill for a friend once and never paid her back. it was a long time ago and i've lost touch. but i will pay it to charity instead one day.
    I get that. it is a constant battle within to not-do it. in the toltec tradition one of the techniques is called not-doing. where you deliberately focus on changing your behaviour .
    hang in there buddy. it takes time, someday you are gonna look back and see how much you have changed for the better.
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    Reactions: jurte
    I hope so friend. I just want to be normal, completely free. I want to have head free of all these evil and dumb thoughts and constant battles between addiction and normal state.
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