Recent content by KLTNS

  1. KLTNS

    In my 780 Day or reboot, I am uninstalling K9 from my computer

    I hope you will overcome this awful addiction. Realise that PMOing is keeping you from the true happiness. It just gives you just a momentary pleasure that is gone immediately. Afterwards there is only a shame and guilt. On the other hand when you manage to resist your urges the feeling is...
  2. KLTNS

    A success, a failure and a question

    Hello, you are doing very well :) You can do it, thus get rid of PMO from your life. Remember that we, Christians, are doing it for greater purposes. When the urge occurs, try to reflect about what caused your last relapse and where is PMOing going to leave you --> shame, sadness, low...
  3. KLTNS

    I am very glad to hear this! Sustain on this road because it is the only one that leads to...

    I am very glad to hear this! Sustain on this road because it is the only one that leads to salvation :)
  4. KLTNS

    Hi! How are you?

    Hi! How are you?
  5. KLTNS

    Stress is so so dangerous

    Hi guys, I desperately need support: The temptation is very close.