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  • D
    I also get a chuckle out of the "Black Ops 2 is for Incels!" joke too. I just brought it up because you brought up hardcore sports fans crying in their bugattis.
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    Reactions: Tiny Brat
    Deleted Account
    I actually had a conversations about Call of Duty with some co workers and they were talking about the Modern Warfare 2 remake then I told them "Black Ops 2 was my personal favorite Call of Duty" one of them replied: "You have never felt the touch of a woman have you?" And we all started laughing. I like the assholes that I work with.
    You would've handled that better than I would've. I probably would've taken it seriously because I can't tell when its a joke or it's malicious and said something like "but I have...over BO2." That's good though. friends are important.
    Deleted Account
    I just think it's cool to talk about things other men and yourself both have interest in. I also try to be "the better man" in most social situations too. Especially with petty topics like video games. They also are pretty cool guys too. And am grateful for their their prescence. They seem grateful to mine as well. I am also trying to prioritze fraternity before starting a relationship.
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