Recent content by Limes

  1. L

    What happen after the reboot?

    I wish understand if after 90 days of nofap in hard mode (no PMO) my mind will change so if I'll relapse one time after this period, it isn't a new dipendence but only one play that I can control without difficulties
  2. L

    What happen after the reboot?

    Are you experience on this?
  3. L

    What happen after the reboot?

    What happen after the reboot? And if someone see a porn and masturbate after this?
  4. L

    How can I have a wet dream?

    There aren't things to do to help to have a wet dream?
  5. L

    How can I have a wet dream?

    I hadn't a wet dream ever! I had my first relapse after 14 day no PMO. If I have a wet dream, I think no PMO should be to easy... Can you tell me how I can it?
  6. L

    Is NOFAP all gold? Some negative effects

    Hi, I'm a boy (34) who used to masturbate with or without porn since I had 11 years old. I had'nt a wet dream ever. I used to masturbate 3 times by weeks or when I feel need to do it. No girlfriend, only sometime sex ocasionally. When I used to masturbate during porn, I did it for two hours. I...
  7. L

    Dopamine withdrawal symptoms

    My situation is like this!!! After some weeks to stop PMO, I can't sleep, I've got anxiety and during night I am excited... It is very horrible! So I'am thinking to stop if this situation will not change in few days.... I need to sleep!!!
  8. L

    Losing controll on body and chaser effect after 2week nofap

    A spontaneus Ejaculation during the day can be normal?
  9. L

    Question about NoFap

    I had a real feel of full on my prostate after 10 days... At 13 day, when I pied, I sent my semen wants to exit.... At 14 day I risked an ejaculation during gym.... Usually I masturbated from many years 2-3 times in a week... So 14 days without ejaculation is a record... When I went to bad this...
  10. L

    New here. For spirituality

    Two months without ejaculation???
  11. L

    Losing controll on body and chaser effect after 2week nofap

    I have no problems to stay away from porn... My difficult is to stay without an ejaculation for more 6-7 days.... So usually I masturbate my self 2 time by week... I try to stay without masturbating for two weeks with more difficulties and on 12° day I started to have spontaneus emmission and...
  12. L

    Spontaneus ejaculatione during the day

    I have no problems to stay away from porn... My difficult is to stay without an ejaculation for more 6-7 days.... So usually I masturbate my self... I try to stay without for two weeks with more difficulties and on 12° day I started to have spontaneus emmission and same beginning of spontaneus...
  13. L


    Can you do sex? If you can, NoFap is not difficult if you want... Instead you can't do it, there are more difficulties
  14. L

    Spontaneus ejaculatione during the day

    Obvius!! But because I stopped the ejaculation, I risked it came when I came back in the gym, I felt it and I escaped for afraid!!!
  15. L

    Spontaneus ejaculatione during the day

    But in public during the day it is very embarassing!!