Recent content by lion7

  1. L

    Relapsed 6x this week because of exam week and my adhd medication

    Since you have exams I recommend turning off the phone for till you finish and deal and taking stress pills . Don't give up it might be hard bur just try your best and use new techniques. Goodluck!
  2. L

    Hey jae doing well hope you too Thank you so much same here hope everything is going well with you

    Hey jae doing well hope you too Thank you so much same here hope everything is going well with you
  3. L

    Stress is killing me from the inside

    Yeah you're right many of friends are addicted but never tried to change The problem is the only subject I'm finding hard and can't focus on is the one we both are taking in the same class (physics) , many of people I know usually struggle with mathematics while I don't so I think the problem...
  4. L

    Stress is killing me from the inside

    No I didn't mean talking to girls and having sex my friend having sex with a girl here isn't that easy I don't live in the US or Europe , i live in a third world country and sex doesn't usually get discussed between males and girls that much , I never said that doing sports with Friends isn't...
  5. L

    Stress is killing me from the inside

    I can't find anyone rn I'm studying for bachelor and I don't want to fuck it up , I've always We are in the same grade but she's 15 now I'm 16 . Yeah I know but the hp here is the thing you look up too of course she didn't create the universe lol. I don't think it's enough I need to give it up...
  6. L

    Stress is killing me from the inside

    What do you mean ? I agree with you but I was a complicated person , didn't have good friendships or any close ones , I didn't talk to girls at all . I have good friends now but still don't talk to girls that much so I don't think "having fun" has the same meaning as what it means to people...
  7. L

    Stress is killing me from the inside

    I don't feel good at all these days . I can't focus on anything at all , I don't even want to hang out with my friends I'm stuck in a loop I need your advice,talked to some friends but didn't help quite well unfortunately . And please if you think what I'm saying is something stupid please...
  8. L

    I had a relapse, I don't know if it's a relapse or the beginning of recovery!?

    اهلا حسب مبتغاك من ال نو فاب اذا كان الإباحية و العادة فأنت لم تخسر اما اذا كان سيمين ريتينشن اي الإبتعاد عن الشهوة و العادة و كل ما يسبب نزول السائل المنوي نسمي حالتك ب تسرب المنوي بسبب الشهوة طبيعي يعتبر و لاكن يفضل الابتعاد عن الشهوة قدر المستطاع لا أعلم كيف سأقول لك ذلك لكن احذر من التقبيل...
  9. L

    Listening to music while rebooting

    Weird question to ask but what are your thoughts on listening to music while rebooting I need to know cuz I listen sometimes to R&B ,Rap and Pop and alot of the songs have cuss words, So do you think it might cause urges ? And BTW do I need to do a dopamine detox to speed up recovery? Students...
  10. L

    Starting 90 Days Journey

    Keep going Gil you can do it don't give up!
  11. L

    Horny 24/7

    Give us more info bro .
  12. L

    Can’t take it.

    My prayers will be for you and your husband tonight wish you blessings and forgiveness from the one and only lord, may god change his insight . Al-zumer : " Are those who know equal to those who do not know? "
  13. L

    I look back and ask myself why?

    I look back and ask myself why?
  14. L

    Keep it up!

    Keep it up!