Recent content by MadHatter

  1. MadHatter

    The elusive superpowers

    This pretty much sums up my view on it.
  2. MadHatter

    My story.

    I hear you. Patience is the key to many abilities, and for many of us it doesn't come as naturally as we would like. Bit by bit, day by day, thought by thought - adopt the art of kind attention and purpose-driven mindfulness. For better or worse, that which you practice grows stronger. I feel...
  3. MadHatter

    Hello Everyone! - Introduction

    It is great to hear that you are passionate about your studies and your mental development. Having positive habits is key in breaking negative ones. If psychology is one of your passions, check out Dr. Jordan Peterson! He has been a great help to so many people out there. Also - Japanese...
  4. MadHatter

    My story.

    That's rough, man. I am happy to hear you aren't looking it up anymore. That is important, to say the least. Those mental dependencies weren't created in a day, nor will they go away in a day. Give yourself time, and don't be too hard on yourself. There is a reason why they call this a...
  5. MadHatter

    I Need Your Help - Let's Do This Once and For All

    You're doing the right thing. And you are doing it at a young age. Slow and steady wins the race. Seriously. Be your own hero. It doesn't mean you don't fail. It means you fall, get back up, dust yourself off, and never give up. No one can live this life for you.
  6. MadHatter

    Hey there

    Involvement here is key to many of us. Stick around, start a journal, and find tools for bettering yourself. All beginnings are tough. I wish you success and good fortune.
  7. MadHatter

    New fapstronaut here

    Hey there, "Thursday's Child". I know what you mean, but try not to let your current inadequacies stop you from being who you can be, and doing what you CAN be doing. Problems will always be there, like it or not, so make the best of what you can when you have the option. Be your true self in...
  8. MadHatter


    My initial advice? forget about "superpowers". Reaching a goal is, in itself, a super-feat. Be proud of your achievements so far. Keep studying, keep playing, keep on being creative. I feel the NoFap lifestyle should be a means to an end, not an end unto itself. Plans falling through is a...
  9. MadHatter

    Climbing back up from rock bottom

    Wow, man. That's rough. I hope you find what you are looking for here. NoFap can be a big help, if you want it to be. I am happy to hear your GF and family have stuck by. Those types of connections are all-important. Perhaps try not to think of it in terms of a "streak" - something which...
  10. MadHatter

    New here

    Good luck, man. Welcome to the brotherhood. Sounds that life has handed you a difficult hand, and at such an early age. I wish you success and good fortune on your journey, man. Stay the course. I know what it is like to be that kind of double life, so to speak. There is a way out. And it...
  11. MadHatter

    NoFap Youtubers

    Wow, man. THAT is dedication! Good for him, and good for us all. I am sure I will watch his stuff. He seems to be really on point.
  12. MadHatter

    Introduction post

    I wish you success and good fortune, man. Welcome to the brotherhood.
  13. MadHatter

    Here to support

    You're a good man. Be attentive, be a good listener, and perhaps try not to necessarily provide solutions immediately. She may tell you what she needs from you, if you gently prompt her to do so.
  14. MadHatter

    Hello nofap

    There are many tips, but ultimately it is up to you. I wish you success and good fortune, man.
  15. MadHatter


    Sounds like you are on the right path. Good luck, man!