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  • Also, because this is relevant to my personal health issues...
    I see you say you had candida, and you cleared it up after a year long healthy diet.
    That's awesome news! But i have question. What were the symptoms? Did you have inflammation in your penis or anything? I ask because I do, and i'm just beginning the journey to find some answers! God bless!
    Dude, you were 16 when you started this, (came across posts from older profile) and figured out/delt with your health problems?

    I'm very impressed man! You're clearly intelligent and emotionally mature. I have some health issues myself that i'm taking initiative to conquer. I'm gonna read all your posts about your health journey, hopefully we can get in contact soon!

    Thanks for your posts anyway!
    20 days without porn, 5 without MO'ing. Having strong withdrawal symptoms which just motivates me more to keep on pushing!
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