Recent content by MercenaryKing

  1. MercenaryKing

    Becoming the writer I want to be

    It's tricky because I'm working on two separate projects. In the mornings (when my brain's fresh) I'm working on some political philosophy. I'm trained in academic writing, so the work (not sure if it's a book, more like a paper at this point) is about building better futures in terms of...
  2. MercenaryKing

    NoFap as Meditation

    Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you appreciated the description. You're absolutely right, 10 minutes of meditation a day is the beginning of a world of difference.
  3. MercenaryKing

    Becoming the writer I want to be

    Spot on. I started thinking "am I really going to play-act at being a writer without ever writing anything? Am I really going to be satisfied with the self-soothing deception that I could have written that book if I wanted to?" I think the other thing was really connecting "being a writer" /...
  4. MercenaryKing

    Becoming the writer I want to be

    I'm loving this thread. Writing my thesis was murder and I would've killed for a place like this to get support and accountability. It took me a long time to get to a place where I'm actually able to put in the work, to write every day even when I didn't feel like it. But god it feels good. Even...
  5. MercenaryKing

    My Friend's Godmode

    Yeah, these days I think of social media and porn as kind of the same thing: digital products designed to hyperstimulate your dopaminergic systems into addictive behaviour. But you're right, it makes you feel awful. Not only are you draining your energy and wasting your time, but you're reading...
  6. MercenaryKing

    NoFap as Meditation

    Deep in the Blue Mountains last year, I sat in the middle of a silent vipassana retreat. If you're never been to one of these things, imagine having everything you like and enjoy stripped away until you're left with two meals a day and a bed. Oh, and you can't talk to anyone and you're...
  7. MercenaryKing

    My Friend's Godmode

    You flatter me. For real though, I totally understand that experience. It can seem difficult to shift from a frame of impotent jealousy to feeling inspired and motivated by our friends instead. I think it has a lot to do with constructing our own narrative of who you are, separate from your...
  8. MercenaryKing

    procrastination is damaging my life. Need help

    I've been a chronic procrastinator all my life. Like someone else has already said, Jordan Peterson will help you so much. That and 'tiny habits'. If you procrastinate, you know how hard it is to do stuff. So make the bar for success really low. If you're avoiding working out, call doing one...
  9. MercenaryKing

    My Friend's Godmode: PART 2

    I think it might differ from person to person honestly. In general I've found the less you masturbate the more energy you have, but I've also found that I can get really distracted by sexual thoughts. The most important thing psychologically is quitting porn, and masturbating *less* is helpful...
  10. MercenaryKing

    My Friend's Godmode: PART 2

    Thanks man, I'm really glad it resonated with you. I think the best we can do is keep coming back to those kind of concepts, reaffirming them, adjusting our course continuously. It doesn't mean we'll never mess up but it means we can live more fully in the process of developing as people. And at...
  11. MercenaryKing

    My Friend's Godmode: PART 2

    Thanks man! Yeah I go into overthinking and caring what others think in the post. With overthinking I think the two biggest things are practicing mindfulness (so you can watch your thoughts and feelings coming and going without identifying with them) and just practicing taking action without too...
  12. MercenaryKing

    My Friend's Godmode

    Soz guys, it got taken down but it's back up now!
  13. MercenaryKing

    My Friend's Godmode: PART 2

    Hey guys, I'm sorry for the wait. This post originally got taken down when I posted it because I mentioned the blog Alex and I have started. I think that's fair enough, we're here to share success stories after all. I removed that stuff, so there shouldn't be any reason for this post getting...
  14. MercenaryKing

    Book recommendations?

    The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday. It introduces you to Stoicism. Changed my life
  15. MercenaryKing

    My Friend's Godmode

    THE SEQUEL'S UP. Thank your all for your patience.