Their relationship "wisdom" is also basically just acting "dominant" like a fucking ape, no regard for actually listening to women and accommodating their thoughts and emotions because "women don't know what they want, they really just want men to boss them around".
Fucking dumbasses, if you...
They have this "macho, don't be nice, don't be friendly" attitude when every "success" or sexual conquest I've had with women in the past has been because I'm not trying to act tough or bossy, I've been genuinely nice and friendly and taken time to listen to what women have to say and...
I'm 29 and I just want to get married ASAP lol. I just started going to a new Church so hopefully I'll get a girlfriend after getting settled in a bit.
I am usually very opposed to bottling emotions and I usually like to express myself ASAP but I am finding that bottling my sexual desires is very helpful.
I just have to make sure that I express myself in other ways when the situation calls for it, but generally if I'm tempted to PMO I just...
Despite all the poopoo heads who say it's creepy to get off her stop if it's in the middle of the city that's cool. That way you can do something else cool in the city like go shopping or whatevs and that in itself will provide good conversation.