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  • Hey how you doing ?
    Hey thanks for checking in :)
    Im fine, theres a lot of family around and things to keep me busy but I have to be careful, lying in bed for too long here almost always leads to urges...
    How about you?
    jae hands off
    jae hands off
    The holiday can be rough so much stress over it I refuse to get involved with things I don’t really wanna do but I’m old and cranky and can get away with that. Some folks are not that fortunate
    Scheduling has got me to 1x week average so I’m doing good w nofap I guess next is 1x / fortnight I guess we will see LOL. probably take a year to get there.
    Oh that does sound good with NoFap! Take care over the holidays!
    Hi and congratulations on submitting your thesis. This is so exciting and important I am very happy for you and proud of you
    Thank you so much! Ill be getting it back once to correct it before finally handing it in though but it's pretty much finished.
    jae hands off
    jae hands off
    I saw your post
    No judgement Remember your triggers Resume making choices to move your recovery forward
    Proud of you man
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    Reactions: Mpk00
    Thank you man. I'll pull myself together.
    Hi how are you. I was thinking of you while forum was out I hope u r ok
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    Reactions: Mpk00
    That's very sweet! I am actually doing pretty well, life is very full right now but in an exciting way. How are you doing my friend? How did the Forum being out affect you?
    jae hands off
    jae hands off
    I missed reading stories updates and daily successes it was rough and I tried to use the time to focus on sending strength to all I used scheduled MO to keep anxiety somewhat contained now back to working on 7 days today is day 1 :rolleyes:
    So glad to hear your life is full and exciting I am going to a film festival starting tonight thru Sun Trying to improve talking with new people since I love movies
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    Reactions: Mpk00
    Oh, I found that hard too. But it's very kind, that you send energy. Scheduled MO doesn't seem a bad way of staying alright too. Okay then good luck with the 7 days! Dont feel bad for it being only Day 1!
    Your plans for the weekend sound so exciting! Good luck on meeting fun people there!
    Hey thanks man I know the struggle today is day 7 for me have not gotten past 7 in a long while
    Going for a walk -
    Hands Off fer fuks sake
    • Like
    Reactions: Mpk00
    Oh l wish you the best of lu k brother. The one week mark is usually pretty difficult for me too so hang in there. Go for that walk avoid time alone on your phone or hang out in shared/public places. That's what helps me usually.
    Hi Marc,
    Reading your words to know you are feeling good I am so happy
    Thank you for sharing - stay strong I am proud of you
    Hey Jae,
    You always send me such nice words, thank you. It is wonderful to share this journey with people such as you and I hope you are doing well!
    Hey Mpk,
    Yeah the urges will come try acknowledging and after a moment release
    To help release urge remember you will have regret - maybe a lot you know that feels bad
    You have the strength and control you need Use them
    Thank you for the advice! You always seem to know what to write in the right moment. Helps me a lot!
    I saw your post that you have a challenging day ahead I have one as well
    I am trying something new, using acceptance - every time a disturbing thought comes, I will allow it, accept it, and then release it and move on. See if it helps you let me know
    Stay strong
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    Reactions: Mpk00
    Thank you that is good advice. I think i will try that. Everything is still alright but I had bad thoughts come up and pushed them away several times.
    I wish you all the best for your day.
    Lets keep fighting!
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