Recent content by Name_Withheld

  1. Name_Withheld

    freedom worth fighting for.

    freedom worth fighting for.
  2. Name_Withheld

    gymnastics - pretty much all gymnastics involves moving your body upside down, this will take...

    gymnastics - pretty much all gymnastics involves moving your body upside down, this will take blood out of dick and into your brain :)
  3. Name_Withheld

    How to not relapse when you are alone on Friday night?

    meditate for 5 hours straight.
  4. Name_Withheld

    Abstain from PMO April 2017. Time to be PMO-Free in April, official monthly commitment thread.

    already got 4 days in, be nice to have a bit of a streak when i start this though.
  5. Name_Withheld

    Starting to notice the changes!

    thanks, keep going.
  6. Name_Withheld

    green tea increases dopamine neurotransmitter concentration

    green tea increases dopamine neurotransmitter concentration
  7. Name_Withheld

    weekend urges, yay!!!

    weekend urges, yay!!!
  8. Name_Withheld

    had a really strong urge, got up., walked around and now I feel great :)

    had a really strong urge, got up., walked around and now I feel great :)
  9. Name_Withheld

    Day 5 - looked in the mirror and I looked a little more alive, eyes and skin were brighter...

    Day 5 - looked in the mirror and I looked a little more alive, eyes and skin were brighter, feeling good as well.
  10. Name_Withheld

    had a cold for 4 days, know how you feel.

    had a cold for 4 days, know how you feel.
  11. Name_Withheld

    ***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

    1. gym 2. food 3. nofap
  12. Name_Withheld

    ***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

    grateful for new keyboard today grateful for school grateful for music
  13. Name_Withheld

    ***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

    1. I'm grateful for food. 2. I'm grateful for not procrastinating today. 3. I'm grateful for nofap. #7