Recent content by nomo

  1. nomo

    Femdom or not Femdom?

    You are 100% correct, no one should criticize the 12 steps disrespectfully. If it's not for them so be it, but the 12-step program can be a lifesaver as you mentioned for many suffering addicts.
  2. nomo

    Problem post recovery

    See a urologist who specializes in ED. There are many causes of ED and the Dr. has pills or something else that will help you. This site blames too many problems on porn, you have been recovered for far too long for it to be causing ED.
  3. nomo

    Do people here view addiction to porn just as bad as sex addiction?

    Porn is a form of sex addiction. The difference is with porn you mostly have sex with yourself, and with sex addiction, you have sex with someone else. Which is worst is irrelevant, it depends on the severity of the addiction. The only thing that matters is that all addictions are harmful.
  4. nomo

    I am feeling extremely lonely

    This is great advice, more people should follow it. I loved a book called The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson. He talked about how consistently making the right choices makes a huge difference in people's lives. He says "It's easy to do the right thing and it's easy to do the wrong thing. My...
  5. nomo

    Academia didn't work out, is it time to get a trade?

    Learn a trade that you will enjoy doing for the majority of your working life. If you want to make the most money, start your own company and be your own boss.
  6. nomo

    I miss my partner

    Makes sense, good luck. It's hard when the finances are stretched and you are dependent on a partner to share costs. At least she understands and is letting you stay until you can leave.
  7. nomo


    Change the subject in your brain. You can do this by meditating or getting up and doing something else. It's harder at night if you are in bed trying to go to sleep. In that case, I would read a book for a few minutes and then go to sleep.
  8. nomo

    I miss my partner

    Living with someone who you broke up with sounds like torture. Why don't you find another place to live?
  9. nomo

    I’ve started dating for the first time in a while, how do I tell dates about my addiction?

    Are you going on a date or going out with your therapist? There's no need to confess anything at this point. Wait until you have deep trust between the both of you, then bring it up if you want to. I'm not sure there is any benefit to either of you for your confession, but that's a personal...
  10. nomo

    Fapped to gf is this a relapse?

    Damn, I'm glad I'm old (pre-internet) and didn't worry about any of this crap when I was young pursuing girlfriends. My definition of a girlfriend would be someone whom I would see in person and be in an intimate relationship. We could have had phone sex back then without a video, but that would...
  11. nomo

    Masturbating as much as I want

    My main goal here is to quit porn. Masturbation is tricky, like everything it's to be done in moderation. The trick is to figure out what moderation means to you.
  12. nomo

    What's the biggest reason(s) that you want to quit porn?

    It would be helpful for me to remember why I'm trying to quit PMO before a relapse. Sometimes I'm not thinking about why I'm here and then I relapse. My main reasons for quitting PMO are: - It's a huge time waster. I'm tying to lead my best life and that would mean spending time doing...
  13. nomo

    Failed first time

    Be in the moment. Think about the love and sex that you are experiencing, not the erection that you may or may not have. If you focus on the feelings and not your performance, you will be fine.
  14. nomo

    Can male female be friends?

    Yes, but only if there is not a sexual attraction between them. In my experience usually, at least one of the people in the friendship has a sexual attraction. Not acting on sexual attraction becomes easier if circumstances prevent it. For instance, if one or both people are married and loyal to...
  15. nomo

    7 months Porn free(how I did it)

    Congratulations, well said, and your benefits are outstanding.