
Below is an old profile. I have been away for almost a year of which 6 months I was clean and over the last 6 months I have been slowly spiralling back to my old ways. So I am back to get clean.

Good luck to you all.

For a while now I have been very remiss in keeping my profile up to date and a few people have fortunately prompted me to rectify that.

Before, my profile talked about me leaving Nofap for a while because of an anger issue that culminated in a warning from a moderator. The time away from NoFap helped me refocus and when I came back to NoFap a week later I found out that much of my anger was related to withdrawal symptoms. When I read around I found that heightened emotions, frustration and anger was a common experience for many. Learning that helped me recognise what I was going through was a normal process.

Since that time I have experienced a steady drop in urges and now I feel like I am free of them all together. However, I have been in this situation before. I did a 74 day streak from my initial NoFap abstinence challenge at the beginning of 2014 that ended in a 3 and a half month relapse. I wasn't on Nofap during that time and it took about a month before I was back to my previous P routine.

Coming back from a relapse is hard. It is difficult to face the failure. It is difficult to feel like you are starting at the beginning. But over time I have come to understand that I was not starting from the beginning, I was just starting a new challenge. We always carry with us the things we have learnt about how the addiction works and what we have learnt about ourselves when dealing with the addiction. We are always working towards our goal of recovery. It is impossible to go backwards.

And recently I have been asked by Alex Rhodes to be a moderator. Originally I volunteered for the job so that I could help squash a voodoo magic spammer that was causing some problems. But now I look forward to helping people on the forum with questions about how the forum works, policies on posting and responding to people's concerns. I am hoping my time on the receiving end of a mod along with my new understanding about how withdrawal can effect emotions will help me deal with problems in an even-handed, fair and professional manner.

I don't claim to know the answers to how to quit PMO, but I do come up with a lot of advice that feels right for me. I am always learning from others and sharing what I learn. I love to debate and encourage and congratulate.

Good luck to you all!


  1. 10

    I Like It a Lot

    Your messages have been positively reacted to 25 times.
  2. 2

    Somebody Likes You

    Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
  3. 10

    Can't Stop!

    You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
  4. 5

    Keeps Coming Back

    30 messages posted. You must like it here!
  5. 1

    First Message

    Post a message somewhere on NoFap to receive this.