It gets really hard when you expect it to be easy, and you never start if you expect it to be so hard, just remember that it is worth it
Porn is temporary. It may last a week or a month or even a year, but eventually it will subside, but if you quit, it will last forever
just to clear the seriousness for a moment.. here is a joke... i tried to quit so many times but it's too hard
Believe in yourself, you always knew you could beat this addiction that's why you're here, all that's left is for you to prove it to people.
Ask yourself, what's the downside of nofap?, now ask yourself what's the downside of pmo?. now which one is better? and stick to it!!
Don't underestimate the power of the sexual energy, remember that each day you don't fap is 1000% worth it don't let your brain fool you.
I see a lot of progress especially physiological changes, it's getting easier physically, but harder mentally (focus), but i will keep going
Don't ignore your urges, listen to them and help them understand that the outcome will hurt you, and that you should endure the pain for now
Don't make someone's life suffer because of your habits, including yourself, stop hurting yourself, and start enjoying life
Constantly feeling like giving up, it's not a big deal, but from experience i learned that THIS IS BULLSHIT, My mind is deceiving me Day #19
Stop looking for excuses that porn isn't as bad, trust experience and focus on ignoring it rather than thinking about it