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  • Relapsed on PMO. What a way to ruin my day.

    Porn is so exaggerated, so unreal, so superficial and unfulfilling. Yet my monkey brain keeps betraying me into watching it
    Keep on swimming
    Been away for some time, had a week filled with exams. Did quite well and was feeling great. It was, however, an exhausting week.

    On Friday the exhaustion caught up on me and I had a relapse on MO but no P.

    Yesterday was a socially active day and I didn't relapse, which was nice. I have to do some more schoolwork today and hopefully workout. The thoughts are kind of tormenting me though.
    Yesterday was a great day. I did stumble upon porn online but I just peeked, didn't fap to it.

    In spite of that initial resistance to the porn, today I was taking a break from studying and the urge to PMO just overcame me.

    I completely forget my goals as soon as I get an urge. I don't even try to resist.

    Fortunately I'm getting a confession today so I hope that'll help me get on the right track.
    Gonna do this as a sort of accountability log.

    Today I relapsed on MO which means I'm starting NNN a day late. Luckily no porn this time, however I still have to work on stopping masturbation.

    I wish I hadn't fapped, I feel like my life energy was drawn out of me. I'm a horny teen which makes this hard (no pun intended) but I would love to live a more pure, joyful and motivated life.
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    It's difficult, but it's not an impossible feat. Try to mentally prepare for the next run by preparing the steps to take when you feel a next pmo session bubbling up b4 it happens. Like distractions, positive affirmations, outside time ect. Like I said, its a difficult thing to not satisfy sex needs but passively, semen recharge is a powerful tool, and difficult to wield for the common person
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    Hey man, you got this! That’s seriously an accomplishment to quit P first. I think it’s really cool that you can still nip this in the bud as a teenager. You’ll be so much more successful, happy, joyful, and closer to God! I was feeling great on day 6 and sadly just relapsed. I am really sorry about that and I will probably start a new thread like my old one from day one.
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