Fapstronaut, Male, 25
Hi I'm 18 I realised how many problems my addiction caused and I'm happy to recover and start doing whatever I want to. I want to be free :) Jan 11, 2018
- Rebooter1221 was last seen:
- Aug 31, 2018
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- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- Jul 26, 1999 (Age: 25)
- Occupation:
- Student
I am 18
I used to PMO for my last 7 year
I have developed social anxiety and health anxiety (+ panic attacks when I really have bad health anxiety day)
My anxiety is still improving. I can only say it is better than It used to be but it still is able to get me. Fortunately, I can sit normally in classroom without worrying about panic attack.
My social anxiety is still there too but less problematic. I feel more confidence and more things became natural for me. When I have stressful situation or I feel embarrassed It is less complicated or hurtful for me. It is now decision for me to worry about it later or not. I think that If I keep going with Nofap, my social anxiety may be cured.
Each day I feel more and more "socially normal"
Currently I have no friend and girlfriend.
I am slowly improving my social life. My school acquaintances started improving. They treat me like never before. I think I may call few of them a "Friend"
I feel differently. Sometimes I can really feel my brain changing, like I feel depersonalisation but in a good way. Like I wasn't used yet to reality which my brain now experiences.
Girls started noticing me, I had one encounter when girl were into me
I also suspect that my classmate may be into me
I am slowly turning into pure, clean and powerful Ocean.Interact