By counting down, I was constantly focusing on that which I didn't want, I choose now to focus on what I do want, goodness is from God!
“The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” -Winston Churchill
Beautiful quote, we need to be positive if we want to make this journey easier. Thank you for your encouraging phrase!
Exactly, if you're optimistic, and love life, there will be no time for negativity (POM)! Lifestyle change, just surrender to it :D
Love to all of you here at NoFap. Mindset needs to change from focusing on what I want not what I don't want.
Relapsed on day 6. Not proud. A lot of progress this year! Another 6 days free from POM. Eventually my POM intake will reduce to ZERO.
Hey bro, thank you for your encouraging comment. Forwards I march! Last year I relapsed 3 times a day every day. Inshallah, I will leave this for good one day!
“The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” -Winston Churchill
Sergeant Charger is my new name. An old alter ego I used to defeat drug addiction. I have resurrected master sergeant to combat this also.
A challenge has come our way, we can either beat this challenge or be beaten, I know what path I will choose! Day 4, I must slay the beast!
Today I feel the beast punching me, however I need to condition myself, falling over is not an option, I must take a knee and continue on!
I love you all, behind our mechanical exterior there lays a soul hungry to awaken its full potential. Let's get a grip on our lives and win.
Here we spread love. To those who have success now, do not look down on others, and make negative remarks. Remember where you were once?
Day 1 was a success. Sending open minded, empathetic, positive, encouraging vibes to all of you who are facing similar struggles! LOVE!
Amazing how we're able to see history which dates before the dinosaurs, simply by looking into the night sky. Mashallah.
The sky is a time machine. :) Great thought to start the day on... we have to remember how small we are in respect to everything else.
Walking toward a majestic sunset, please join me let's focus on a better life, allow God to pave the path, and take one step at a time.
Hey brother - just gotta say I adore your avatar! :) Bradypodidae Sloths are one of my favourite animals - so enigmatic, lol! XD I encourage you to post more on the forums, it would be great to see that smile on the forums.
I appreciate the positive remarks bro! It was a split decision between Panthera atrox and Bradypodidae. Hopefully the lord of sloths can have a positive impact here at NoFap!