2/2 Masturbating make things worse, but I've been subject to inflammation and it was a diet problem. I am still very sensitive when eating at my parents home, even if I carefully select the ingredients, using their pots and pans incrusted with low quality oils (sunflower especially) is enough to set me on fire. Processed-junk food are extremely agressive to the body. Good luck.
1/2 The burning sensation is inflammation. First thing triggering metabolic inflammation is low quality food. If not food, look for environmental factors (chemicals...). You have to find what is causing the "on fire" feeling. When you suppress the cause, the inflammation will vanish. There is a 90% chance this is caused by food.
hey man, how is it going? are you better? I've been (over the past year) experiencing the same symptons you did, I'm contacting guys who've been through the same shit as me so we can exchange some knowledge and tips