Recent content by sashk7

  1. sashk7

    finally first round is over . my goal is 100 days (day 30)

    finally first round is over . my goal is 100 days (day 30)
  2. sashk7

    No porn addiction any more (day 29)

    No porn addiction any more (day 29)
  3. sashk7

    now my dick stands like a king and not lyk a leaking pipe (day 28)

    now my dick stands like a king and not lyk a leaking pipe (day 28)
  4. sashk7

    finaly becoming a Man :D (day 27 )

    finaly becoming a Man :D (day 27 )
  5. sashk7

    what a amazing journey .in this 25 days i actually known myself better (day 25)

    what a amazing journey .in this 25 days i actually known myself better (day 25)
  6. sashk7

    feels so fresh when i get u in morning (day 24)

    feels so fresh when i get u in morning (day 24)
  7. sashk7

    urges are less.. stable life (day 23)

    urges are less.. stable life (day 23)
  8. sashk7

    Dont know how to overcome this desire but definetly not thru fapping to porn (day 22)

    Dont know how to overcome this desire but definetly not thru fapping to porn (day 22)
  9. sashk7

    have become more confident and can tackle problems(day 21)

    have become more confident and can tackle problems(day 21)
  10. sashk7

    having best days of my life after fapping 10 years continously.. feeling ver ashamed of this...

    having best days of my life after fapping 10 years continously.. feeling ver ashamed of this. thinking why i destoyed my life
  11. sashk7

    slow and steady wins the race (day 20)

    slow and steady wins the race (day 20)
  12. sashk7

    am i doing sumthing wrong? as i left porn and its very easy for me to live widout it till now

    am i doing sumthing wrong? as i left porn and its very easy for me to live widout it till now
  13. sashk7

    depressed and i always dream of porn and hot chicks (day 19)

    depressed and i always dream of porn and hot chicks (day 19)
  14. sashk7

    It not that easy but i will not fall (day 18)

    It not that easy but i will not fall (day 18)
  15. sashk7

    controlling urges :( evrything looks so pleasing and attractive (day 17)

    controlling urges :( evrything looks so pleasing and attractive (day 17)