Recent content by ShotDunyun

  1. ShotDunyun

    Made it to 90 days again

    Exactly, it's really weird how that happens and I don't have an explanation for it. At this point I don't really need one, I just know that it works. I'm glad you found this helpful, we are in this together brother.
  2. ShotDunyun

    Made it to 90 days again

    Your know your movies, thank you sir!
  3. ShotDunyun

    Made it to 90 days again

    I posted this on my journal, but I feels like it fits here as well: Time to update here. My last post was on Feb 2022. I just didn´t want to fight this, I would be fucking lying if I said that I struggled. Like everytime, I say that "one more time" won't affect me, and that "one more time"...
  4. ShotDunyun

    28 year old handsome ladies man virgin

    Thanks man, I've also had some 100 days streaks with a dead penis, so I've also been there. I notice that in the ones where I work out the most, take cold showers, supplements and meditate I have more luck with erections and libido in general. Best of luck too.
  5. ShotDunyun

    28 year old handsome ladies man virgin

    Hey brother, my story is somewhat similar to you. I'm also called a handsome guy but I've always had a problem with porn. Had PIED once, but my main problem is delayed ejaculation, like no matter what I just can't orgasm, and Ive had to fake it more times that I can count. I started this...
  6. ShotDunyun

    Ahhh shit, here we go again!

    Nice! You deserve that dinner! Here's to many, many days to come
  7. ShotDunyun

    Ahhh shit, here we go again!

    You mean that you are having crazy urges? If that is the case, you can use that pent up energy to workout like crazy or do any other activity. Sometimes when I'm in the flatline I miss having those urges.
  8. ShotDunyun

    How to change my mindset and get motivated again?

    That happens, but if you have been able to do it once you can definitely do it again. You need determination, set up small goals first. If you are PMO several times a day, make the goal to not do it today. When you are successful to not do it today, next set up the goal for the next two days...
  9. ShotDunyun

    I dont get it, how to quit for longer than 2 weeks.

    I also suffer from the 2 week curse. Whenever I'm back in the habit, it's always incredibly difficult to get past 2 weeks. But the good news is that once I reach two weeks, I know that it will be a long streak, at least three months. One thing I have noticed is that determination is key. If I...
  10. ShotDunyun

    Ahhh shit, here we go again!

    You are doing a good job, we are with you in this path
  11. ShotDunyun

    Everyone of us have a mission

    I agree, this post alone will help a lot of people, this is part of your mission.
  12. ShotDunyun

    Trick for getting mental clarity that PMO provided?

    Meditation helps a lot. I'm doing Qigong and it helps me with these intrusive thoughts.
  13. ShotDunyun

    Extreme tiredness and hunger

    Tiredness can be normal, but we can't pinpoint everything on NoFap, it can be something else. Also all of us a different, maybe you are still growing and need the extra nutrients?
  14. ShotDunyun

    Necesito asesoramiento

    Si, casi en todas mis rachas largas la mejoría ha sido notable en todos los aspectos, pero en cuanto al libido siempre depende. Precisamente durante este día he sentido ese deseo sexual regresar un poco. NoFap definitivamente te va a ayudar a recuperarlo, entre muchas otras cosas.