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  • Hi Paul. Hope you are doing ok. What are you up to?
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    Reactions: skyrimfanpaul
    hi there Peter, I have been fighting my old habit and making plans. I'm in England U.K , i plan to visit a facebook friend in Scotland, free accomodation for a few days and it will be good to get out for a change as i'm unemployed and don't see any jobs that pay enough on the horizon. How about your self? how has things been? have you got a job , and what do you do?
    Keep fighting and I hope you have a good trip. Where do you want to work? I'm all over the place I think, some days have been rough, but most very good thank you. I study computer science and have a job as a tutorial assistant at the university starting next month.
    Hi, been away from here but I want to be come a mature student and then a teacher to 16 + aged students. i could cope with them , an English teacher.
    I once played Skyrim for 6 weeks , with only going out to buy food. i ate, played slept repeat.
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    I did exactly the same back in summer 2012... I also played for 19h straight without ANY breaks. I don't know if it was good or bad times haha
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    that is, dare I say, an epic gamer moment
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    Haha I once played Morrowind for two weeks straight without leaving bed in the hospital
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