Recent content by Slimjimjones

  1. Slimjimjones

    Can I get a RIP in the chat for SickSicko

    So this marvelous man recently got banned and it all seemingly started with the mods and some snowflake bullshit they are trying to push. I know some of you have had issues with the mods as well, especially when it comes to the use of satire and not even offending anyone. I just want to say rip...
  2. Slimjimjones

    Is there someone who can give me advice

    Don't blame PMO for all your problems. It's your procrastination that is making you so stressed. My advice, quit being a b**** and get things done when they need to and get a good schedule routine going. You said it yourself, you're weak and irresponsible. The solution is to stop being weak...
  3. Slimjimjones

    Have I been shittested, y or n?

    It kinda sounds like a shit test that you absolutely failed given the intensity of your emotional response. Even if it was a bad joke your response was still prolly a turn off.
  4. Slimjimjones

    I can't control my urges, about to give in

    Sugar sucks man, just get through it and keep tryna eat healthy. Eat those complex carbs and they should pass soon. Cheers!
  5. Slimjimjones

    Does Life even have Common Sense ?

    They didn't make you do anything, you did. You control how you react to situations. Could I ask if english is your first language btw?
  6. Slimjimjones

    Never had a wet dream

    That's just flat wrong, they happen at any time for any reason. The amount it happens is different from person to person, there is no normal amount although it's more common during male puberty.
  7. Slimjimjones

    How to Quit Sugar?

    Let me fix that for you. "I want to quit added and artificial sugars indefinitely" Most carbs have some form of sugar and fruits are still healthy. I'll still eat some added sugars on say a cheat day but that's it. Literally the EASIEST way to cut back on sugar is to quit drinking liquid...
  8. Slimjimjones

    Getting high on meditation ( wim Hoff breathing technique)

    I do love doing wim hof, been doing it every morning for around a year now.
  9. Slimjimjones

    Intellectual loneliness

    I went through this 'phase' once. Simply meeting new people is your best bet. No you don't have to 'dumb yourself down' but each person has their own thing that they love to talk about. I have a buddy I talk to in length about bushcraft/mma, one about guns, one about smithing, one about...
  10. Slimjimjones

    Societal views x taste in fiction (ANSWER THIS POLL TO SAVE KITTENS)

    Yet I agree with everything you said! I'm neither of the fiction fans though. Cheers!
  11. Slimjimjones

    Just one question

    Could be faking it, or she meant it your not hard enough to penetrate. Either way weak erections aren't ideal and her cumming shouldn't be an excuse to be ok with it.
  12. Slimjimjones

    I’m finally here.

    Cheers brother, god speed
  13. Slimjimjones

    How To Read a Book Effectively?

    Sorry to hear about your suicide brother, I heard from @SickSicko you got banned. Rest in peace
  14. Slimjimjones

    Help with this depression

    This too will pass brother. Try not to do uhh..butt stuff. Meditate, workout, get those T levels up. Cheers!
  15. Slimjimjones

    Energy Drinks, do you partake?

    Thank goodness I was about to ask if anybody here just drinks water, the real adult drink. Water gang=Best gang