Separate names with a comma.
personal advice: get the fuck off social media. i reinstall social media for 2 weeks at the beginning of every semester in college so i can...
if you went from jacking off everyday, every few days, or every week, to once or twice in the last 18 days. that doesn't mean you're a failure....
it's been two years and i've struggled like crazy. some times i was struggling not to jack off for even 3 days. sometimes a week. sometimes a...
i understand you don't want to interrupt them, and you're happy someone else can have a healthy sexual relationship while taking it as evidence...
accept the fear that she might reject you when asked. let yourself enjoy budding relationships regardless. make the time to enjoy this.
join a fitness club, whether it's martial arts or sports. there will be some that aren't good on safety, and some that are just go, go, go with...
note: highly recommend a social fitness activity. could be martial arts, could be sports. your choice. this is where you'll make friends. friends...
hehe 38 days. subtraction is key. subtract what's not essential to your happiness. for me I'm doing college, martial arts, applying to jobs.
Lastly family situation had some changes, happy because I feel like I have a reason to make money now, but it’s not life threatening
Also had a change in perspective to how I should be treating my relationships with girls on day 30. Happy about that. More in recent posts
Funny that I think I legit had a noghtmare that I was jacking off, think I stopped myself in the dream but still woke up with a nocturnal emission...
Nocturnal emission this morning (like 12hrs ago) feel kinda better now, know it’ll be better tomorrow morning.
@Jonas going up hill figured it out that night. I would ask out girls sort of prematurely or not at all. Not because I’m still to lacking in...
@PeaceOnEarth108 this is the conclusion i came to on my own. I’m going to let myself enjoy the blossoming of relationships without requiring...