Recent content by Son_of_Iroquois

  1. Son_of_Iroquois

    Insane sex education in California

    Yet another reason to home-school.
  2. Son_of_Iroquois

    Benefits of an Audio Journal

    The Benefits of an Audio Journal Monday, April 8th, 2019 This is something I started doing recently and found it to be really helpful, so I thought I'd share it with everyone. Maybe others do the same and have posted about it before. I have kept a written journal for about 4 years now, off and...
  3. Son_of_Iroquois

    Becoming an alpha male

    Seeking your true purpose in life and abandoning the idea of being an "alpha" male.
  4. Son_of_Iroquois

    Problems with Society?

    True. Talking about them is better than ignoring them in my view.
  5. Son_of_Iroquois

    Problems with Society?

  6. Son_of_Iroquois

    Craving is the root of suffering

    An interesting talk by Alan Watts that dissects what causes suffering. UNCONSCIOUSNESS = IGNORANCE = CRAVING = CONFUSED ACTION = SUFFERING
  7. Son_of_Iroquois

    Problems with Society?

    I'll have to disagree with you there. Young men and women overdosing on opioids in records numbers. Massive wealth and income inequality that increases with each passing year. Multiple wars across the globe with innocent people dying in droves. Outbreaks of disease and pestilence ravaging...
  8. Son_of_Iroquois

    Problems with Society?

    Name a few things.
  9. Son_of_Iroquois

    Problems with Society?

    What do you think are some problems with our current society? Your thoughts here... A couple of mine: 1.) Everyone is supposed to be rich, or to become rich in their lifetime. If you're not rich then something is wrong with you and you don't matter. 2.) Unless you care about superficial...
  10. Son_of_Iroquois

    The Trick the Brain Plays

    There's one trick that the brain always tries to play when it comes to this stuff. In it's search for PMO novelty, the brain tells a lie to justify the addictive behavior. And that lie is: "this time it will be different." This time, I will find something new that I haven't seen. This time...
  11. Son_of_Iroquois

    The Problem with Popular Music

    Thank you. Now I know I'm not crazy.
  12. Son_of_Iroquois

    Steve Bannon's Talk at the Oxford Union

    Anyone see this recently? I have never heard him speak before but think he made some good points. He clearly has a strong analytical mind and deep knowledge of geopolitics.
  13. Son_of_Iroquois

    i am dead inside. i need help.

    The first step is to stop killing yourself, which is what you are doing now. The second step is to begin learning about the chakras and your deeper spiritual nature. You can do that here: The third step is to heal yourself and begin conserving your spiritual energy...
  14. Son_of_Iroquois

    The Problem with Popular Music

    Whenever possible that's my solution. However, sometimes its unavoidable. For example, at my office in the reception area I have heard the same half a dozen songs being played repeatedly for over a year. This isn't for the customers either, the people behind the desk are choosing this stuff...