Squeaky Soul
Last Activity:
Apr 16, 2017
Feb 24, 2014
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Oct 2, 1997 (Age: 26)
Southern California
Not employed yet. High school student.

Squeaky Soul

Fapstronaut, Male, 26, from Southern California

(Continued) it, you'll be rebooted!" Mar 27, 2016

Squeaky Soul was last seen:
Apr 16, 2017
    1. IGY
      "Stay away from lusts which tempt young people. Pursue what has God’s approval. Pursue faith, love, and peace together with those who worship the Lord with a pure heart." 2 Tim 2:22
      1. Squeaky Soul likes this.
      2. Squeaky Soul
        Squeaky Soul
        Thanks man!

        May 14, 2015
    2. Squeaky Soul
      Squeaky Soul
      I would appreciate any prayers. I have been relapsing ever 7-10 days. I will break this cycle!
      1. headedup likes this.
      2. Anne-Dauphine
        Stay strong. I will pray for you specially tonight.
        May 11, 2015
      3. headedup
        me too!
        May 12, 2015
    3. Squeaky Soul
      Squeaky Soul
      HELP ME!
      1. Gentleman WriterDreamer
        Gentleman WriterDreamer
        Hang in man you can do this. All of NoFap is here behind you so if you think you are about to fall you are actually just about to go crowd surfing. : )
        May 11, 2015
    4. Deleted Account
      Deleted Account
      Even though I didn't post it on the forum I do think SSA can be healed. I have friends who were openly gay who are now married with kids and say they no longer feel attracted to other men. But I dont want those guys in the forum to know this. They just kept attacking me. I want to overcome PMO and heal in peace.
      God bless.
    5. Deleted Account
      Deleted Account
      Hello. I'd like to take you up on your offer of support. Thank you.
    6. Squeaky Soul
      Squeaky Soul
      Alright! I My inbox is clear. Everybody, send me a message!
    7. coolmike87
      Day 200!!! Your right there man!!! Congrats!!! Amazing job!
    8. coolmike87
      Welcome back Squeaky!!! Don't leave man. We need guys like you with big time to help us all out
    9. Abstainer
      Outstanding streak Squeaky! Keep up the good work!
    10. maharaji.guy
      Squeaky soul hommie we need you in this forum,see u got a alter ego,wich shows not giving up and u have that squeaky soul ! Hope you ok wherever you are and know we need your posts bra
    11. coolmike87
      A week since your last post homie... Hope your well... Miss seeing your posts!
    12. Z_the_B
      Your inbox is full mate
    13. Squeaky Soul
      Squeaky Soul
      Not really. Just replace a cold shower with your normal shower. Not when you have an urge. The cold showers help your mind and body become comfortable with the uncomfortable... This makes dealing with urges easier. It depends about it being winter. Southern California is a desert, so it's hot and warm year round. If the cold shower will harm you, or make you sick, you shouldn't take them.

      ~Squeaky Soul
    14. koolkid59
      Thanks for answering my questions so far, I really appreciate it! Talk to me about cold showers. When you have the urge do you immediately jump into a cold shower and the urge for that night never comes back? Do you still have a cold shower during winter? Its winter now in my region. Any other powerful techniques?
    15. Squeaky Soul
      Squeaky Soul
      I used to have this exercise that I would do... Basically, I would envision myself as a black belt and kung foo master, than I would picture my urge, and/or whatever was causing it, and then, myself as he black belt dude would beat up the urges and chase them away. Another thing I used to do, was just praying and asking the holy to descend upon me and protect me from the diabolical. Asking Mary, St. Michael the Arch Angel, Jesus, et cetera. Heck, I still pray a lot... Every day totaling up to almost an hour.

      ~Squeaky Soul
    16. koolkid59
      So what attack plan would you suggest when I have the urge/temptation to PMO?
    17. Fallior
      Hey squeaky, I cannot reply to you as it says your inbox is full.
    18. Goblin
      Hey! Thanks man! Congrats on your 60! Very proud of us!
    19. JohnnyTheFox
      Hi Squeaks - You will have to delete some messages because you have reached the maximum limit of your messages and I cannot send a reply to you ;)
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  • About

    Oct 2, 1997 (Age: 26)
    Southern California
    Not employed yet. High school student.
    I am a Roman Catholic male and I have been struggling with masturbation and pornography for 3 years. It has become a very big problem in my life very fast. If you have any advice or tips I would very much like to hear it. Whenever I fall back to my old ways, I have bad social anxiety, unhappiness, and minor depression. I need to take back my soul and beat this!