Thank you for this motivational story I can't wait for my wife to come into mylife by following nofap until I meet her I know I will be good enough I will vision her and vision myself without faping my future away
What is nofap it's not settling for a lesser life it's aiming for intimacy not illusions and fantasy I'm 3 days gap free and happy I found this community I aim to do nofap on hard mode for 180 days then introduce dating again still nofap until I get in a serious relationship or marriage the...
Exactly the flesh is never full always like trying to feel up an empty whole you will never satisfy disire it just keeps coming back ! Your right you will forever starve if you feed disire
I needed a real sense of love sense my dad left me at age 13 I lost my mind and went over board with porn trying to fill a whole in my heart I would hide my face thinking I was ugly people would put me down kick me when I was down and I was a shy hiding person I'm 24 and porn has ruined my...