Last Activity:
Nov 18, 2016
Mar 7, 2016
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Fapstronaut, Male

PMO is NOT an option. May 1, 2016

traveller22 was last seen:
Nov 18, 2016
    1. Tux
      "We are free to be free. Or slaves. What will it be?" I like this.
      1. Ray_of_Sunshine likes this.
    2. Sojourner8252016
      Hi, this is Sojourner8252016. I just signed up and committed to change by joining here, but I cannot post a log. When I go to create thread, I only see a box with Thread Title..., then two buttons that say Create Thread and Preview. Preview does nothing, and Create Thread says "Error, please create a message." I have no idea what I can do. Any help would be appreciated.
    3. ILoathePorn
      Hey, I have tried to click on your 3 circles link but for some reason it isn't working for me. I am wondering if you hyperlink got removed somehow. Once it is fixed I would like to check it out. Thanks.
      1. traveller22
        Hi. I've fixed the link so you can check it out. Strength! T22.
        May 22, 2016
      2. ILoathePorn
        Thank you!
        May 22, 2016
    4. Ack Ack Ack
      Ack Ack Ack
      Love the signature :)
      1. Nathaniel Turner and traveller22 like this.
    5. traveller22
      PMO is NOT an option.
      1. Atlanticus, Yesodi and ..Anna.. like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Yesodi
        I'll try to post my more serious thoughts on just HOW key this mantra really is, later.
        May 9, 2016
      4. traveller22
        Hey Yesodi. Good to hear from you. I look forward to reading your thoughts on this "mantra". Are you a GNU user yourself? Also, I realise I still need to answer your questions that you posted a while back - I fully intend to do them justice, which is why I haven't banged out a quick response. Thanks, T22.
        May 9, 2016
      5. Yesodi
    6. Decoder™
      You're a beast dude! Keep rockin those threads.
      1. traveller22 likes this.
      2. traveller22
        Thanks Sickly Lucid. I really enjoy your posts as well. You have a certain mystical way about you that feels part Manga, part Anime, with some Matrix thrown in for good measure. I wish you speed, wisdom & agility. T22.
        Apr 27, 2016
      3. Decoder™
        Your wishes shall be granted, I'm limitless!
        Apr 27, 2016
    7. David_TUN
      thanks, Can we make friend.
      Are you stopping PMO like me?
      1. traveller22
        Hi there. Yes, I'm stopping PMO for good. It's a daily thing, but it becomes easier & will eventually fade into the distance, as our lives & selves develop. One day at a time. Keep checking in to NoFap. Together, we can break the neck of the PMO addiction! T22.
        Apr 27, 2016
      2. David_TUN
        I've just relapse. can we chat together everyday. I need some help!!
        Jul 12, 2016
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    MY AIM = 1000 DAYS to break the neck of the PMO Monster, one moment at a time.
    Don't know WHERE TO START? Look

    PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option. PMO is NOT an option.

    We are free to be free. Or slaves. What will it be?