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  • This is my day 216. I´ve lived with freedom but I follow to fight with myself. He´s my best friend or my enemy, that depends of my perception... I let sodas, candies, coffe (This´s hard yet), fries or lays, processed cookies (what cookie is natural today haha). My goal is 3 days, I try to reprogram my dopamine system. But it´s hard!! I´d to achive my day one yesterday but i fail... okok, I need to get better!!
    We have programs in ours mind, what sock we take on first for example... Writing in a notebook everything ... We must detect the pattern because these´re not ours.
    Tenemos programas en nuestra mente, que calcetin nos ponemos primero por ejemplo... tomar nota de todos.... Y asi podremos detectar patrones que no son nuestros.

    Hi everyone, I´m here again
    My previous goal is running yet, Currently I´m on my 136th day (My goal is 150 days) . I feel good, I learning to understand my natural instincts without PMO.
    We follow ahead...
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