Last Activity:
Jun 22, 2017
Feb 22, 2016
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Mar 4, 1994 (Age: 30)


Fapstronaut, Male, 30

Have not watched porn in months, but I keep dreaming about it. I had my first wet dream a few nights ago. It's such a strong obsession. Jul 17, 2016

wellthenisay was last seen:
Jun 22, 2017
    1. Dustin Johnston
      Dustin Johnston
      Hey buddy, you still here with us? I keep checking in every couple months and haven't seen ya
    2. Anonymous321
      Hey man, I have the exact same problem as you. I thought I was only one, ive had some struggles with my gf and I'm starting a reboot. I'm 5 days without PMO, I know you haven't posted in months. If you're still out there or even sign in a few months down the road let me know, i'd love to hear your progress man. Thanks for your time.
      1. wellthenisay likes this.
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      3. Anonymous321
        I'm referring to the domination/smothering type posts. I'm in the same situation where when i was 11 or 12 I started watching it.I'm now 17 and been having problems getting hard when I tried to have sex,I'm also having trouble getting hard with my own thoughts.Just wondering if its possible to recover? Maybe a little to much information man if so I apologize.Thanks again
        Feb 12, 2017
        wellthenisay likes this.
      4. wellthenisay
        Not too much information at all! Just wanted to tell you that and also that I don't have enough time at the moment to give you as in-depth of a response as I would like to, but will follow through as soon as I am able to. In the meantime, take good care :-)
        Feb 15, 2017
        Anonymous321 likes this.
      5. Anonymous321
        Ok man, let me know whenever you can. Thanks for your time and understanding.
        Feb 15, 2017
    3. wellthenisay
      Have not watched porn in months, but I keep dreaming about it. I had my first wet dream a few nights ago. It's such a strong obsession.
      1. Deleted Account likes this.
    4. wellthenisay
    5. wellthenisay
      I believe this is day 4. Last night I gave myself a pep talk of sorts in the mirror, during which I basically told myself (see comments):
      1. black_coyote likes this.
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      3. wellthenisay
        Through all of the relapses, I have learned many things..one of which is that obeying an internal authority figure doesn't work for me. When I keep FIGHTING my cravings because I think that I *have* to, I eventually burn out, stop caring, and want to treat myself.
        May 13, 2016
      4. wellthenisay
        How empowering it feels to recognize my freedom of choice! It is easier in this way to keep track of why I am doing this in the first place: to help myself heal, not to boss myself around.
        May 13, 2016
      5. black_coyote
        Rock on man!
        May 13, 2016
    6. Decoder™
      Wise mindset, keep on rockin.
      1. wellthenisay likes this.
      2. wellthenisay
        :) thanks for reaching out!
        May 8, 2016
    7. wellthenisay
      "How can we grow if we do not allow these sacred confusions to happen?"
    8. wellthenisay
      Do not wait for things to get easier before you make your breakthrough.
    9. wellthenisay
      Each relapse affords the opportunity to learn and find a more constructive approach. We can all get where we want to go, sooner or later :)
      1. wellthenisay
        We can inspire each other. There is great beauty in that, though ultimately, the choice to make a change belongs to nobody but ourselves.
        Apr 14, 2016
    10. wellthenisay
      Rather than pushing to reach x amount of days, what if we were to just be present with our changing colors and get on with living our lives?
      1. WoundedSoul
        Beautiful analogy wellthenisay! I totally agree :)
        Apr 13, 2016
    11. wellthenisay
      Relapsed. Time to pick up the pieces again. It's blows me away how it ALWAYS end up seeming like a good idea when I know it's not :/
      1. makethatchange likes this.
      2. wellthenisay
        I don't trust myself alone with the computer at night.
        Apr 11, 2016
      3. makethatchange
        I relapsed few days ago, annoying but the shame is not the same like my binging days so let's do this, tierdness and stress seemed to be my biggest hurdle in the stumbled back to porn.
        Apr 11, 2016
      4. wellthenisay
        Yes, those are triggers for me as well..other triggers that I've recognized are feelings of low self-esteem, wanting to get away from feelings of anger and depression, and sometimes when I'm overflowing with happiness I have the urge to treat myself to something or release the happy feelings somewhere. Thank you for reaching out and cheers to your progress :)
        Apr 13, 2016
    12. wellthenisay
      Day 3 complete. I just signed up for a 10-day meditation course. I am extremely excited and scared.
      1. may it works and WoundedSoul like this.
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      3. WoundedSoul
        I see where you're coming from my friend :) It's good to sometimes feel the pain.

        I believe that pain is wonderful and is a blessing in disguise because when we feel pain we truly learn who we really are and we can embrace it grow as you said :D
        Apr 11, 2016
      4. WoundedSoul
        Enjoy the meditations My friend! I'm positive that you will enjoy the tranquility and you will emerge as a more self-conscious and have a deeper understanding and love for life :)
        Apr 11, 2016
      5. wellthenisay
        @Ray of Hope Yes, in my experience the most painful of situations have been the most powerful opportunities for breakthrough!

        Thank you for your support :) I hope that all is well with you. I honor your positive energy.
        Apr 13, 2016
    13. wellthenisay
      Relapsed. Well it's time to start again, and I've learned that it's important for me to limit my internet usage (an addiction in itself)!
      1. WoundedSoul likes this.
      2. wellthenisay
        I am also noticing that I have been fighting the cravings. Fighting creates this tug-of-war between me and the cravings, and eventually I'll lose energy and, furthermore, lose the battle. I want to welcome the cravings, to accept the feelings that come with them, and observe them.
        Apr 7, 2016
    14. wellthenisay
      Day 5 complete. This is a difficult time. I am letting myself feel the pain. I don't want addictions to keep me stuck.
      1. WoundedSoul
        Pain exists for one purpose, To br Conquered :) Stay strong my friend you can do it !
        Apr 6, 2016
      2. wellthenisay
        Thank you for the support, my friend :)
        Apr 6, 2016
    15. wellthenisay
      Day 3. I am noticing how much I have been expecting of myself; daily binging was just a few months ago! Really, I have come a long way.
    16. wellthenisay
      Was dreading confronting my thoughts during my bedtime meditation, so I relapsed instead of meditating. Damn it! I KNOW I can do better.
      1. Dustin Johnston likes this.
      2. Dustin Johnston
        Dustin Johnston
        I know you can too :)
        I'm stuck in a bad cycle again too, and man does it suck. I know I can overcome this and I know you can too. Hang in there!
        Apr 1, 2016
      3. wellthenisay
        Apr 4, 2016
    17. wellthenisay
      Relapsed..triggered by happiness and feeling the need to celebrate. It seems that I don't know how to simply let myself feel happy!
      1. makethatchange
        Sorry to hear this news, do not beat yourself up & get back on track, at least you felt happy next time keep that feeling for longer, you can do it
        Mar 28, 2016
      2. Dustin Johnston
        Dustin Johnston
        Let it go. You see what you did and why it happened so that is a very good lesson. Use that to your advantage. Next time you feel happy, say to yourself that last time you slipped up because of this feeling. simply being aware of that could stop you from relapsing next time you feel that emotion. I was the same way in that I couldn't let myself be happy. I still have trouble honestly but it's getting better.
        Mar 28, 2016
      3. wellthenisay
        :) Thank you guys for the encouragement!
        Mar 28, 2016
    18. wellthenisay
      Day 3 complete. It feels as if I'm beginning to re-awaken. Love, power, and presence, my friends..this is what is needed for this journey!
      1. r8js likes this.
      2. r8js
        hello,well said and done.i must appreciate ur efforts to stop PMO.keep it up.we will get through this situation.
        Mar 25, 2016
      3. wellthenisay
        Thanks for the support :)
        Mar 28, 2016
    19. wellthenisay
      In a pinch, a splash of cold water on the dong can help the cravings pass :)
      1. wellthenisay
        Day 1 complete.
        Mar 22, 2016
    20. wellthenisay
      Relapsed. Triggered by feelings of guilt..wanted an escape. Note to self: it NEVER feels worth it! I want my self-love to grow.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dustin Johnston
        Dustin Johnston
        Every relapse is a chance to dig really deep into yourself and find more strength. Eventually, you'll have a suit of armor, the cravings and triggers will come (they won't ever go away, so I've heard) but they will bounce of you. no harm done. hang in there, we're right here with ya!
        Mar 22, 2016
      3. wellthenisay
        Thank you both for your encouragement :) This has definitely been a test of the extent that my self-love and compassion reaches; I want to grow to love all parts of myself, including fear, shame, anger, etc.. I wish courage, strength, and wisdom for all of you in this journey.
        Mar 22, 2016
      4. Dustin Johnston
        Dustin Johnston
        Rest assured that your sentiments are returned, friend :)
        Mar 23, 2016
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    Mar 4, 1994 (Age: 30)
    I am ready to feel ALIVE!!!