Recent content by whoami33

  1. whoami33

    How Nofap can screw your life and how to prevent it from happening while maintaining good streaks

    Nofap and Pornfree can screw your life and make you feel worse maybe for years compared to those who are not part of nofap. How does this happen? it is easy for us to stop ourselves from relapsing when we are happy but under stress, relapse can kinda justify itself, after all we do deserve a...
  2. whoami33

    70+ tips to Make Nofap or Porn Free easier & more effective from someone who has gone 1000+ days

    74) write down why you relapsed after relapsing after relapsing write down why you relapsed. our mind would probably lie to us that there are tons of reasons for a relapse to happen but it's a lie there probably are just a handful of reasons appearing in random order so we think there is an...
  3. whoami33

    How we are rewiring our brains for misery

    People on Nofap usually relapse when they are miserable, when they think anxiety or pain is higher than what they can take and there is no hope, when the brain tricks us that there is no way out. even if i don't relapse now i'm gonna relapse soon and the pain just doesn't worth it. by doing...
  4. whoami33

    70+ tips to Make Nofap or Porn Free easier & more effective from someone who has gone 1000+ days

    it's been more than 800 days now, still happy that i made this decision by help of Tip #2 and still sorry that resisted to do it for so long.
  5. whoami33

    70+ tips to Make Nofap or Porn Free easier & more effective from someone who has gone 1000+ days

    73) Schedule your day (by Noah BE Church) Schedule your day. Unscheduled free time is enemy to an addict. Each night, write out a plan for the following day. Try to include productive to-do items as well as healthy and relaxing activities like exercise, socializing, reading/learning, passion...
  6. whoami33

    My brain is finding "loopholes" to get its fix, need an advice.

    you are trying to control your mind. its WRONG, its like trying not to think about pink elephant. read tip#1 and #2
  7. whoami33

    Last thread - My success 430 days

    @jorg78 How are you doing now with 500+ days under your belt ?
  8. whoami33

    Post acute withdrawal and my symptoms. Can you relate?

    i dont think this to happen in PMO case, ten years is probably for those who used to drink alcohol 24/7. pmo imo cant destry brain that much. also the rebbot even thought its not linear but take a look at the red graph ( which is reverse...
  9. whoami33

    60+ of Porn Hidden messages And possible effects

    This is from porn and shame it produces: Success and sense of accomplishment (which also can be felt by orgasm for a while) has a tight relation with shame and guilt.
  10. whoami33

    users of nofap who were addicted to hentai how did you manage to overcome it

    @ramses321 this post is not just about hentai and i didn't have had problem with them (never watched them) but i think still applies to your problem :
  11. whoami33

    Warning. Very sick story.

    i'm 25, what advice do you have for a 25 yo ? PMO related or unrelated.
  12. whoami33

    Warning. Very sick story.

    @crackpanther well actually i was asking @mdz and just wanted to see how can i resonate with his story
  13. whoami33

    60+ of Porn Hidden messages And possible effects

    I've said that before and heard that many times that women can not compete with this prefect porn bodies that this prefect porn stars are going under tons of make up and no woman can compete with them. but i need to fix a mistake: those porn stars even after tons of make up are not prefect...
  14. whoami33

    Warning. Very sick story.

    and how old are you ?