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  • I remember for a very short period of time I became addicted to painkillers ( I guess I have an addictive personality) and I went to see a therapists for it. She was insistent that I go to a detox center because it's very diffucult to quit something like that cold turkey . I refused to believe that my case was that bad and after i left that meeting I told myself "no way i'm going to some detox center with a bunch of addicts." I stuck to my guns and the next few days were some of the longest most uncomfortable days and nights of my life. Eventually it was flushed out of my system and I never turned back. I am hoping I can be strong much like I was during that time and get it out of system. This is probably the biggest step I have taken towards quitting my PMO addiction (joining this forum) and these emails are the things I was hoping for when I joined. You were the first to reach out... so thank-you
    Hey. Thanks a lot for your help. I've been pmo free for ten days now but I start to feel some withdrawal symptoms as I sometimes have some mild headaches or just extreme urges, even right now. I was wondering how did you handle these and when will they stop? Thanks.
    Hey william thanks for supporting. this is irock
    I read your post and it really helped me . I will do my best this time and never fall again. Thanks for supporting me bro . And I dont want to hide things so im telling you that I collapsed once more and it was just 4 days streak . This time I pmod 3 times and now I will never do it again. by the way I dont know how to send a personal message so im sending it publically :)
    Hi William,
    I just wanted to ask how you're doing. You were the first person to reply to me when I first got on the site and you were a real encouragement. I'm approaching 6 months now and I just wanted to say thank you. Your support has meant a lot.
    Just get busy with doing something else and get out in the worl, go for a cofee or a walk and it will change.
    I really needed someone to reply. Thanks William. Today has been absolute hell, for the past few hours allI I can think about is masturbation. I don't know how I'm gonna battle with it.
    You're the best...its not too late for me.i am taking back what highspeed internet and pixilated women on my screens took away from me
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