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Out of the Porn and into the Gaming ...

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by AmIThrowingLyfe, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. AmIThrowingLyfe

    AmIThrowingLyfe Fapstronaut

    Since I've quit PMO I found myself continually bored late nights, especially on weekends. Now I spend the time watching YouTube videos and playing MMOs. The problem is that the games are just as time consuming as the porn if not worse. Porn is done after you rub one out, but MMOs last for hours.

    Any tips to figuring out how to integrate better habits for gaming? Or should I just go cold turkey on gaming altogether?

    At the moment I'm not too sure what I should spend my free time doing.
  2. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    One thing that's become apparent to me while trying to quit porn, is that I have procrastinated on many of my interests and commitments.

    I gave up gaming cold turkey, and it allowed me to put time into many other things. And after only a few months I didn't really miss it.

    MMO games are especially time consuming, I avoided a really fun online based PC zombie game because I KNEW I would spend entire days on it!!

    You may want to seriously consider giving it up, and maybe try writing down all the other things you'd like to do with your time. Brainstorming and thinking of your interests works wonders.
    AmIThrowingLyfe likes this.
  3. omni_enforcer

    omni_enforcer Fapstronaut

    I am going to be straightforward with you, from my own experience,MMORPGs are mostly money grabbing craps, They are designed either to lure you into opening boxes and purchasing in-game items(F2P models), or making you spend more time than you wanted(paid time models). In a way it is worse than Porn, at least porn takes less time.
    I would recommand that you give up all together, any game that take you more than 1 hr a day should be tossed away.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  4. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Have you watched the movie 'ready player one'? That brought it home how spending hours on games is missing out on life... A bit is okay, too much and it's better to totally unplug
  5. koolpal

    koolpal Fapstronaut

    I gave up on video games after understanding the psychology behind video game monetization & addiction.
    AmIThrowingLyfe likes this.
  6. AmIThrowingLyfe

    AmIThrowingLyfe Fapstronaut

    Okay gotta unplug then, cause I must have spent an entire Friday playing CIV. These games as so entertaining though and I think they are harder to quit because they go on forever.

    Writing down a list is gonna be my first priority. Thanks!
    Reborn16 likes this.

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