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Symptoms Associated With Edging & Withdrawal

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Dec 24, 2021.

  1. I'm in my 30s now and I have been edging for something like a decade and a half. In my opinion, based on my overall health and how I feel, it's the single most destructive activity I could've ever engaged in. And I've really let myself down by not being able to conquer it.

    The worst part is that I'm stuck in this fucked up cycle: I stay away from P/M/O for upwards of a week before I start to feel even worse than I usually do so I "get it over with" in order to temporarily feel slightly better.

    Below is an extensive list of symptoms I consider to be associated with edging and withdrawal. Feel free to share yours.

    • weakness/lethargy
    • chronic fatigue
    • lightheadedness/vertigo
    • hypnic jerks
    • insomnia and sleep deprivation
    • severe anxiety
    • watery ejaculation
    • POTS
    • panic attacks
    • tinnitus, other ear issues
    • eye floaters
    • autoimmune conditions
    • low back pain
    • cystic acne
    • frequent urination
    • sensitivities to heat/cold
    • mood swings
    • muscle tremors/soreness
    • tenseness
    • inability to relax
    • headaches/migraines
    • lack of motivation
    • depression
    • heart palpitations
    I've been to numerous doctors, had lots of tests run throughout the years. Everything usually checks out fine. All of the brilliant MDs I've seen think I've lost my mind whenever I do so little as suggest that maybe this is all a result of P/M/O. I know I should stop taking them seriously because they're part of a medical system that has a vested interest in keeping people sick but I don't know where else to go.

    Anyway, thanks for reading.
  2. MeEqualsNF

    MeEqualsNF Fapstronaut

    Do you live an inactive lifestyle? Do you eat a balanced diet? Enough time outdoors for vitamin D? Do you take any medication regularly that may cause side effects? Do you drink/smoke/use any drugs? I feel like a lot of these could be from that and not PMO. Also, have you done a blood test in the past year? Check thyroid levels because a lot of thee symptoms describe hyperthyroidism symptoms. Idk man lot of factors affect the way we feel. To attribute all of these to PMO without any science/evidence is a stretch.
  3. I don't have much of an active lifestyle. I live in a place I'm not fond of with basically zero access to nature. My diet is fine, I eat all organic and clean food. I don't spend much time outdoors because I live in an extreme climate (brutally cold winters, hot humid summers) and as mentioned, I don't do well in excessive heat or cold. I already know I have a thyroid condition, it's autoimmune; it's not "genetic" because no one in my family, going back several generations, has ever had an autoimmune or chronic condition. It's lifestyle related. All doctors I've seen have told me this is depression without even asking me any of the questions you just asked. They want to put me on SSRIs and get paid. I have diligently researched this over the years and am 95% certain that most if not all of these are a result of edging for hours on end, regularly, since my mid to late teens. I remain open to discussion though and hope to learn and ultimately gain something from being here.
    kriss93, jcl1990, Dagger323 and 3 others like this.
  4. Perchancetodream

    Perchancetodream Fapstronaut

    I can relate, I've been dealing with all kinds of chronic pain and illness for years and the doctors haven't been able to help me either. If I could ever get a good enough streak going I might be able to prove one way or the other if nofap is the cure or not. I have been looking for evidence and I've found a lot of posts where people claim to have recovered from many different issues with nofap, so...fingers crossed. Good luck
    Freeddom_Taker and Dagger323 like this.
  5. Would you say that many of your symptoms overlap with my own? Doctors today are no help. I find it hilarious how the medical industrial complex and everyone who buys into it is so quick to dismiss nearly everything in medicine that came before our time as if it's total quackery when, in truth, that was the real deal. Those old doctors had nothing to gain from their studies and research unlike those of today.
    jcl1990 and Dave G 123 like this.
  6. Perchancetodream

    Perchancetodream Fapstronaut

    These are the ones that overlap. I've had them all at one time or another, but some are infrequent or have gone away.
    • weakness/lethargy
    • chronic fatigue
    • lightheadedness/vertigo
    • watery ejaculation
    • POTS
    • tinnitus, other ear issues
    • eye floaters
    • autoimmune conditions (maybe)
    • low back pain
    • frequent urination
    • mood swings
    • muscle tremors/soreness
    • tenseness
    • headaches/migraines
    • lack of motivation
    • depression
    • heart palpitations

    These are some symptoms that I have that aren't on your list

    Occasional Nausea
    Tailbone pain when sitting
    Ribs feel bruised when applying pressure
    Strained/Dry Eyes
    RSI type pains in my hands
    Upper back pain
    Burning pain in knee
    Dripping after urination

    Yeah, it is crazy how quickly things get dismissed. I think there is lot to be learned still in the medical industry and one day PMO may even be known to harmful.
  7. DayOne44

    DayOne44 Fapstronaut


    You are totally right about modern doctors.

    We know our physical conditions and the causes of our ailments better than anyone, particularly better than medical doctors.

    Doctors have sent me for medical tests which I knew well I did not need, and I've resolved that they will never manipulate me like that again.

    Many of them have exaggerated and distorted ideas about perfect health, which all depends on them.

    Granted, it is often necessary to see a doctor, but at the same time, I will decide for myself what medication I take and what procedures I undergo.

    And, as you clearly see, they are doing it for money.

    This is why I have been very leery of Dr. Fauci and have opposed vaccine mandates.

    Much of what Fauci and the CDC are saying defies common sense, and it is even contrary to the "science" they claim to be following.

    One should have the liberty to decide whether to have biological agents injected into one's body and not be coerced by the threat of getting fired.

    Do you know Fauci's salary? It's about $434,000. You can look it up online.

    No bureaucrat is worth that kind of taxpayer money.

    Doctors who make much less also have big financial interests.

    I also have a long-running edging habit.

    I've been stuck in the same cycle for many years, and hours of my days have been wasted porn surfing and edging.

    I think I'm being virtuous somehow by not ejaculating, when really I am just prolonging the experience indefinitely for hours and days on end.

    As one with the same problem as yours, I can identify with many of the terrible aftereffects you listed.

    Tinnitus is an interesting one.

    I have a ringing in my right ear, which I thought was due to an ear infection earlier this year.

    Edging, if it hasn't caused this, could only have made this worse.

    Certainly, edging puts a strain on the entire body, the nervous system especially, and it must affect the blood pressure.

    I may need to see an ear doctor about it, but I wouldn't expect him to understand this part of the problem

    You and I know our behaviors and can perceive their effects.

    Medical doctors can't see beyond what they've read in textbooks.

    The wisdom of the ancients tells us that there is physical, mental and spiritual health in continence, and warn of the depletion which results from sexual indulgence.

    All of this, we know from experience.

    We must beware that modern medicine also condones and often encourages masturbation as necessary for health.

    That is also why your doctors are incapable of making a precise diagnosis of your condition.
  8. @Perchancetodream

    I have dripping after urination as well. That one is quite annoying. I don't know how I forgot to mention it.

    Which of the symptoms would you say are the most frequent and severe? For me, it's probably the constant anxiety, lightheadedness/vertigo and chronic fatigue. There is way too much overlap between our symptoms and those of countless other guys online, all of whom suspect PMO as the root cause, for this to be pure chance or for all of us to be crazy. And just image, there are probably tons of others out there who have no clue what to think. Even if they think for a second it might be PMO, they've been told all their lives about how "normal and healthy" it is.
    Dave G 123 likes this.
  9. @DayOne44

    I'm with you on everything you wrote. I'll address all of it because, like you, I'm here to learn and engage with others.

    I have communicated with and seen more doctors than I care to recall at this moment. Nearly all of them have completely failed me. From the MDs to the "alternative practitioners," all of them seem to have very limited knowledge, at least as pertains to PMO and the subpar health the habit is capable of causing or contributing to. Some do have good intentions and a willingness to help but their lack of proper and relevant education holds them back. I think some are aware of that fact themselves. Plus, they have every reason not to help us because if we stay unwell, we have to keep seeing them, buying the medications/supplements, etc. If we get better, we are of no benefit to them whatsoever.

    Don't even get me started on this shit show the world is dealing with. "Doctor" F isn't a moron but he's definitely no genius. He specializes in manipulation and bullshit artistry. Same with all the "health" organizations throughout the US and the world. They are a fear mongering bunch who are after two things: money on the lower levels and control on the highest levels. Anyone who doesn't realize this two years into what's been going on is probably hopeless at this point.

    Regarding tinnitus, visit these pages and let me know what you think: https://archive.is/nPDxy + https://archive.is/PPfzy
    If this is in fact caused or made worse by PMO as we both suspect, no doctor or "specialist" will have a clue about it.

    You and I know our behaviors and can perceive their effects.
    ^ I agree with this completely. It's the best way of articulating how I feel.
    Puretim likes this.
  10. Perchancetodream

    Perchancetodream Fapstronaut

    The most frequent and severe are chronic fatigue (also), headaches, random aches and pains (back, ribs, knees, tailbone), and a strange feeling in my chest that I think I forgot to mention. Its hard to describe, but its pretty bad and it may somehow be connected with anxiety or palpitations, I don't know. I agree about the overlap. It can be hard to believe sometimes, but there is too much evidence for it to be coincidence. I guess we just have to get long enough streaks to see for ourselves. Thats the tricky part, its easy to get discouraged (I just got to 54 days and didn't see hardly any improvement, then relapsed), but a lot of the stories I read say that it took them 3 or 4 or 6 months before they regained their health and energy, sometimes even longer. So I guess we just have to keep going no matter how daunting it seems, it'll be worth it in the end.
    kopykat likes this.
  11. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut


    I could have written this myself, although I don't have acne or depression (despite what other people say!). What we are experiencing and describing is a definite syndrome. There are other threads on Nofap that cover this.

    There is also Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). I'm not sure how you distinguish between PAWS (which affects all addicts regardless of the type of addiction) and the kind of symptoms and effects that seem to be caused purely by PMO. There is a lot of overlap.

    A couple of further points to chip in: I think edging is the most damaging aspect of PMO, and may be the thing that distinguishes people like us who have all of these awful symptoms, from those that appear to not be affected.

    Secondly, I've found from my personal experience that these symptoms can get significantly worse with age. I was in a fairly stable binge cycle for over a decade, where I'd abstain for 3-10 days, then relapse with a binge, feel like shit for a few days, then slowly get back to "normal". But during my late 40's, I found that it took longer to recover; but this happened so slowly that I didn't notice until things were actually a lot worse. I've since lost my job and now struggle to do basic things like housework, due to exhaustion. I know that many, including some here will attribute this to depression, lifestyle, "wrong thinking" etc, but from over a decade of being aware of my problem, and observing and tracking it, I know I'm right. So use this as extra motivation to quit while things aren't too bad for you. Easier said than done though, I know.

    Also, yeah, doctors are the worst, with a few rare honorable exceptions. I'm not so sure it's about the money, more about the fact that they have zero intellectual curiosity and... well I could rant about that for hours, so I won't, but bottom line is we have to figure this out for ourselves.
    kopykat and Perchancetodream like this.
  12. @Perchancetodream

    You might find this interesting. This is an old post but the only symptoms this guy lists that you don't are digestive issues and hair loss. By the way, I personally have experienced those as well but not nearly as bad as some of the others we've listed and discussed. 54 days of abstinence is monumental. I think the longest streak I've managed to put together was just over two weeks and it's been a good two years since I was able to pull that off.

    One other noteworthy thing is that I wouldn't necessarily go out of my way to call what I have an addiction even despite long edging sessions. I usually engage in the habit once every 2-3 days but it's still obviously much more than enough. It used to be a daily occurrence as I'm sure is the case for others here. But the thing that has me thinking that it is in fact an addiction is that when I start to abstain, after 3 or 4 or 5 days PMO free, I start to feel even worse than I usually do... until I relapse and that helps me feel a bit better albeit temporarily. It's just a cycle. It wears you out.
  13. @Dave G 123

    If I'm being honest, I've not done much looking into or reading bout PAWS. I don't recall ever coming across this in the past. Has thing been discussed for a while in these circles?

    I think all of us in this thread can agree when it comes to edging and it's horrible effects, especially when the habit has been engaged in for a prolonged period of time. I feel for younger guys nowadays. Imagine being in their position with all these garbage apps that driver hyper stimulation and arousal 24/7. I didn't think anything of PMO until it was obvious how noticeable it starting affecting my health.

    There's no doubt a couple other things contribute to my own subpar health and they are excessive screen time as well as lack of sleep due to insomnia or otherwise. I still agree with you in that many will attribute all of this to completely irrelevant things that are seemingly easy to point to. Lifestyle is the only one I can justify but that's just not the whole story.

    I agree with you about doctors. I started calling around to MDs, NDs, DCs in my mid twenties. 95% of them would flat out deny any connection between anything I was experiencing and PMO. It may be all the things I mentioned earlier in other responses here but it's also definitely them having zero intellectual curiosity. It's really kind of deflating if you think about it.
    Dave G 123 likes this.
  14. PacificBlue

    PacificBlue Fapstronaut

    I get the same "hunger" or "itch" that I do when craving sugary foods, caffeine, and PMO.

    I recognize that this is a primitive hunger and craving for dopamine and have been replacing the cravings with exercise and cold showers.

    What are your favorite "escapes"?
  15. @PacificBlue
    I don't even know how to describe that "itch." For me, PMO is kind of like a go-to way of coping with bad stress, especially since I don't drink or do drugs.

    Can you elaborate what you mean by "escapes?"
    PacificBlue likes this.
  16. oldgoat14

    oldgoat14 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, edging withdrawals are brutal. Some consider them worse than a basic relapse. In the YBOP book, it is mentioned that binging every 2-4 weeks can have more negative effects than moderate daily PMO. Reduce duration over time if you cant stop at once, then go full nofap.
    DayOne44 likes this.
  17. @oldgoat14 Do you have some specific resources you can point to online regarding edging withdrawals? I need to learn more about this.
  18. PacificBlue

    PacificBlue Fapstronaut

    Some people meditate, some jump into a cold shower immediately, some do jumping jacks/push ups as a way to replace the habit with something else.

    Check out the book Atomic Habits and the Power of Habit. You will see that there is the CUE > ACTION > REWARD process.

    If you can catch yourself at the CUE point, you can reprogram your brain to do something more positive and productive.

    SirErnest and WesternWolf like this.
  19. I added the book to the wish list but I hope it's the right author.
  20. PacificBlue

    PacificBlue Fapstronaut

    Atomic Habits by James Clear
    Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
    WesternWolf and kopykat like this.

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