Comments on Profile Post by leah88

  1. leah88
    The thing that keeps me stuck, im gonna use nofap to BUILD what is impossible. Im going to use nofap to make fruitful what is hopeless. Im going to build that bridge where there is only river and Im going to cross the other side. Desolation has never met a person like me, im going to take what everyone calls some dream and turn it into my reality.
    Feb 8, 2018
    Beamer and Rising Sun !! like this.
  2. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    May God's love and peace overshadow you. Amen.
    Feb 8, 2018
    Beamer, leah88 and Rising Sun !! like this.
  3. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    The struggle u r in today is making your strength for tomorrow!
    Feb 9, 2018
    Beamer, leah88 and Rising Sun !! like this.
  4. Deleted Account
    Deleted Account
    Stay strong. Focus all your energy on maintaining your streak. It’s worth it.
    Feb 9, 2018
    Beamer and leah88 like this.