Sad to see you relapse. You are someone I look up to, and you have set some high standards for yourself.
Get up, and come back strong.
Don't let yourself down.
@sev94 Thank you for the extremely kind words buddy, I couldn't complete some uni work and went into a cycle of depression. I'm alright now, I'll move forward :)
@vxlccm Wow I've been depressed about what I should do differently to give up pmo but it indeed is trying more. Thank you for always dropping by at the right moment my friend, you're one of the most wonderful people on this community :)
Hey buddy, sad to hear you gave in to the lies. But I know exactly how you feel. *Sitting next to you, put arm on shoulder*.
Maybe there are deeper issues you have to face?
What me helps is to sit down and write down my stuff.
@Roady Thank you buddy, I have been putting some thought into this and I realized that I always turn to pmo when I'm stressed. And the thing is, it works. My worried fade. I know that's such an unhealthy thing and I need to find a better substitute but realizing this today had been enlightening. I think it's time I wrote my thoughts down in the journal, thank you lots! :)
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