Comments on Profile Post by Meditation Monk

  1. Iceberg
    Indeed. Are you asking why it is called Iceberg? If you don't know have a guess of why it is called Iceberg and what it means.
    Oct 20, 2018
    spaces and Meditation Monk like this.
  2. Meditation Monk
    Meditation Monk
    oh, lol. just had a big turned on to watch porn. So I had to cool down for a minute. I guess talking to others helps my urges cool down in the end. And yes, I know what ice berg means, it is in alaska where some of them are found etc. I hate these turns ons. I still suffer from withdrawal symptoms.
    Oct 20, 2018
    spaces likes this.
  3. Iceberg
    We could be APs if you want? I am going now though since it is 9pm UK time but I will be on tomorrow between 7-9:30pm uk time
    Oct 20, 2018
    spaces and Meditation Monk like this.
  4. Iceberg
    Also, out of curiosity, it would be nice to know what state you are from in the U.S.

    I have myself travelled there a few times and hope to go there many times again in the future. Particularly the West coast since I have never been to that part
    Oct 20, 2018
    spaces and Meditation Monk like this.
  5. Meditation Monk
    Meditation Monk
    thank you, I could appreciate that. :) But my withdrawal symptom is gone, it was a temporary setback though. And yes, I would love for you to be my accountability partner. I wish you good night and sleep well. We can this tomorrow in the daytime on sunday. I love having intelligent discussions but it is the turns on from my withdrawal symptoms that I still get, IMO.
    Oct 20, 2018
    spaces and Iceberg like this.
  6. Meditation Monk
    Meditation Monk
    West coast? there were a lot of movies old movies back in the 50s and 60s where they made them look like with horses and shooting and that kinda stuff. I live on the eastern side near the ocean. But I rather not you visit me though, haha. It gives me a strange feeling about that, I am not into people because of the person that I am. We can just be "friends" on social media. I could tell you more about the US.
    Oct 20, 2018
    spaces likes this.